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Vitis Drivers API Documentation
This file contains the implementation of the AXI Traffic Generator driver.User documentation for the driver functions is contained in this file in the form of comment blocks at the front of each function.
The AXI Traffic Generator IP is designed to generate AXI4 traffic which can be used to stress different modules/interconnect connected in the system. Different configurable options allow the user to generate a wide variety of traffic based on their requirements. The core is broadly separated into a master and slave block, each of which contains the write block and read block. Other support features are provided by the Control registers and Internal RAMs.
The commands to be issued by the AXI traffic generator are loaded in a 128-bit wide, 512 deep command RAM through AXI Slave interface. After the core is enabled, control logic issues the write/read commands based on the command settings programmed. The core updates the Status registers and asserts interrupts on the completion of issuing programmed commands.
The Axi Traffic Genrator has five different modes:
Initialization & Configuration
The XTrafGen_Config structure is used by the driver to configure itself. This configuration structure is typically created by the tool-chain based on HW build properties.
To support multiple runtime loading and initialization strategies employed by various operating systems, the driver instance can be initialized in the following way:
Command Handling
AXI Traffic Generator core operates based on the commands programmed into Command and Parameter RAMs. The CMDRAM and PARAMRAM is divided into two regions: write and read. Each region can hold 256 entries. Once the core is enabled, the internal control logic issues write/read commands. To handle command programming efficiently, we are maintaining a software list of commands. Following APIs are provided to handle this mechanism:
Master RAM Handling
AXI Traffic Generator uses MSTRAM to
The driver defaults to no interrupts at initialization such that interrupts must be enabled if desired. An interrupt is generated for one of the following conditions:
The application can control which interrupts are enabled using these functions:
The interrupt system has to be set up and if the interrupts are enabled, Traffic Generator notifies the software either about the completion or an error in transfer through interrupts.
We provided two examples to show how to use the driver API:
Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it is recommended that users leave asserts on during development.
RTOS Independence
This driver is intended to be RTOS and processor independent. It works with physical addresses only. Any needs for dynamic memory management, threads or thread mutual exclusion, virtual memory, or cache control must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.
Ver Who Date Changes
1.00a srt 01/24/13 First release 1.01a adk 03/09/13 Updated Driver to Support Streaming and Static Mode 2.00a adk 16/09/13 Fixed CR:737291 2.01a adk 21/10/13 Fixed CR:740522 Updated the MasterRam offset as per latest IP.This driver is valid only for IP(v2.0) onwards. The XTG_MASTER_RAM_OFFSET has been changed from 0x10000 to 0xc000. 2.01a adk 15/11/13 Fixed CR:760808 added Macro's for the New bit fields added in the latest tarfgen IP(v2.0). 3.0 adk 12/10/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's 3.1 adk 28/04/14 Fixed CR:782131 Incorrect mask value for the loopenable bit. 3.2 adk 05/08/14 Fixed CR:798742 The last word of 8KB Master RAM in axi traffic generator can't access and CR:799554 Some incorrect parameter in axi traffic generator driver. 4.0 sd 19/08/15 Fixed CR:876564 Added 64-bit Support to axi traffic generator driver. 4.1 ms 01/23/17 Modified xil_printf statement in main function for all examples to ensure that "Successfully ran" and "Failed" strings are available in all examples. This is a fix for CR-965028. ms 03/17/17 Added readme.txt file in examples folder for doxygen generation. ms 04/05/17 Added tabspace for return statements in functions of trafgen examples for proper documentation while generating doxygen and also modified filename tag in master streaming example file to include it in doxygen examples. 4.2 ms 04/18/17 Modified tcl file to add suffix U for all macros definitions of trafgen in xparameters.h 4.4 sd 09/03/20 Updated makefile for parallel execution. 4.7 ar 03/07/24 Modified trafgen intr examples added macro for Interrupt ID.