Run Jupyter NotebookΒΆ

  • Install the TravelPlan Demo Plugin

(fpga)$ cd travelplan
(fpga)$ su - tigergraph
(fpga)$ bin/
  • Run the command below to start Jupyter Notebook

(fpga)$ cd jupyter
(fpga)$ jupyter notebook travelplan-jupyter-tg.ipynb
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions in the notebook once it is loaded in your browser.

The Jupter Notebook demo is also available on Github

To run the demo on a larger dataset (included under /data directory) that shows speedup over CPU only query, change the filename variables in Path Setup cell in the Notebook as follows:

tp2woInfile = serverDataLocation / "travelplan2workorders2000.csv"
tp2trInfile = serverDataLocation / "travelplan2trucks2000.csv"