6.1.7. RPU - WDT Recovery

This function demonstrates the system recovery through LPD Watchdog.

The RPU application configures and start the LPD watchdog during the init sequence.

The watchdog is configured with the timeout value of 10 seconds and is kicked approximately every 500 miliseconds.

To test the recovery, when the rpu application receives the request, it stops kicking the watchdog, and allow it to expire after 10 seconds. Behind the scene

During the BOOT image creation, config_lpd_wdt.cdo added in boot.bif will configure the expiry action of the LPD WDT to Subsystem Restart. PLM configures this action in the error management module. Whenever LPD WDT expires, the PLM gets the notification to perform the configured action.

RPU application of the TRD waits for the command from APU over libmetal. When it receives ‘Kill Watchdog’ request it will set a flag to stop the watchdog kicks. This will result in the watchdog expiry after the configured time. And hence PLM will perform Subsystem Restart. Python Module & Jupyter wrapper.

This operation can be performed from the python module vssr_trd, which is used by this notebook.

Click Perform Action to execute python call sequence similar to:

import vssr_trd as trd
trd.SetControl(1,4) Observation

Observe the system recovering after a countdown of about 10 seconds. RPU is reloaded after 10 seconds while Linux keeps running normally.