AVED V80 - Hierarchy Overview


The AVED design is a PCIe® based design that is used to demonstrate the capabilities of the card, firmware, and drivers. The design is composed of three major blocks: CIPS, Base Logic, and Clocks and Resets. The NoC interconnect is used to route AXI traffic across the device.

Block Diagram

The following is the block diagram of the design, highlighting the connectivity for the three blocks in AVED. The User Application block is not part of the AVED design, and serves only to illustrate how a user application could be integrated with AVED to connect directly to MCIO and QSFP interfaces, and connect to the NoC to interface with the PCIe, HBM, and DDR4 blocks. The AVED base design can be extended to include the MCIO and QSFP for the user application by uncommenting the pins from the hw/amd_<board>_gen5x8_24.1/src/bd/create_bd_design.tcl and hw/amd_<board>_gen5x8_24.1/src/constraints/impl.pins.xdc.


Control, Interfaces and Processing System

The Control, interfaces, and processing system (CIPS) IP configures the various hard blocks that are present in the AMD Versal™ device. The AVED design configures the coherent module with PCIe (CPM) block, the real-time processing unit (RPU) block, and the platform management controller (PMC) block through the CIPS IP. The primary blocks used in this design are summarized in the following table.

BlockAVED UsageMore information
Coherent Module with PCIeThe CPM block contains the PCIe gen5x8 and QDMA hardened IPs on the device.  It interfaces between the PCIe transceivers and the NoC interconnect to allow communication from the PCIe host to the device.  It is configured with the minimum necessary to demonstrate functionality of the card.Versal CPM CCIX Architecture Manual - Introduction to CPM
Real-time Processing UnitThe RPU block contains the R5 processor that is used for running the AMC firmware on the device.  This is part of the processing system low-power domain (PS LPD). The primary purpose of this block in this design is to handle the board management functions of the card.Versal TRM - LPD Architecture
Platform Management ControllerThe PMC block contains a MicroBlaze-based processor subsystem.  It is primarily responsible for managing the bootup, configuration, and internal monitoring of the device.  It interfaces with the external flash devices to read/write device images for device configuration.  This compulsory unit is required for the Versal device to function. Versal TRM - PMC Architecture

Programmable Logic (PL)

The PL region contains the soft logic IP and I/O connections. It is separated into two main blocks: Base Logic, and Clocks and Resets. It contains I/O connections to the SMBus, MCIOs, and QSFP I/O interfaces. A summary of the function of each block is described in the table below.

BlockAVED UsageMore information
Base Logic

The base logic region primarily contains peripheral IPs that are used by the R5 processor to handle the card and driver management firmware.  This includes the SMBus IP, command queues, and identification ROMs. 

  • IMPORTANT: SMBus IP is not included with the AVED design sources. The IP must be downloaded separately from a lounge (https://www.xilinx.com/member/v80.html) and added to the IP repository of the AVED hardware design (<aved>/hw/amd_<board>_gen5x8_24.1/src/iprepo/) before building the design.
AVED V80 - Base Logic
Clocks and ResetsThe clock and resets region contains the clocking wizards and reset synchronizer blocks for the user application.  It also contains the logic to facilitate hot-reset/PDI reload of the device.AVED V80 - Clock Reset Module

NoC Interconnect

The NoC interconnect facilitates high bandwidth transport between the various CIPS blocks, the PL, and the DDR4 and HBM memories. Through the NOC IP configurator, the HBM and DDR memory controllers are configured and instantiated into the design. The V80 contains 32GB of internal HBM and 4GB DDR4. Additionally, the V80 also includes a 32GB DDR4 DIMM. In the AVED, the 4GB of DDR4 is allocated to the R5 processor and DMA over PCIe. The 32GB HBM and the 32GB of DDR4 is available for the user application.

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