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Vitis Drivers API Documentation
Ver Who Date Changes --— — -----— --------------------------------------------—. 1.0 hk 08/21/14 First release sk 03/13/15 Added IO mode support. hk 03/18/15 Switch to I/O mode before clearing RX FIFO. Clear and disable DMA interrupts/status in abort. Use DMA DONE bit instead of BUSY as recommended. sk 04/24/15 Modified the code according to MISRAC-2012. sk 06/17/15 Removed NULL checks for Rx/Tx buffers. As writing/reading from 0x0 location is permitted. 1.1 sk 04/12/16 Added debug message prints. 1.2 nsk 07/01/16 Added LQSPI support Modified XQspiPsu_Select() macro in xqspipsu.h Added XQspiPsu_GetLqspiConfigReg() in xqspipsu.h Added required macros in xqspipsu_hw.h Modified XQspiPsu_SetOptions() to support LQSPI options and updated OptionsTable in xqspipsu_options.c rk 07/15/16 Added support for TapDelays at different frequencies. nsk 08/05/16 Added example support PollData and PollTimeout Added XQSPIPSU_MSG_FLAG_POLL macro in xqspipsu.h Added XQspiPsu_Create_PollConfigData and XQspiPsu_PollData() functions in xqspipsu.c 1.3 nsk 09/16/16 Update PollData and Polltimeout support for dual parallel configuration. Updated XQspiPsu_PollData() and XQspiPsu_Create_PollConfigData() functions in xqspipsu.c and also modified the polldata example ms 03/17/17 Added readme.txt file in examples folder for doxygen generation. ms 04/05/17 Modified Comment lines in functions of qspipsu examples to recognize it as documentation block and modified filename tag to include them in doxygen examples. 1.4 tjs 05/26/17 Added support for accessing upper DDR (0x800000000) while booting images from QSPI 1.5 tjs 08/08/17 Added index.html file for importing examples from system.mss 1.5 nsk 08/14/17 Added CCI support 1.5 tjs 09/14/17 Modified the checks for 4 byte addressing and commands. 1.6 tjs 10/16/17 Flow for accessing flash is made similar to u-boot and linux For CR-984966 1.6 tjs 11/02/17 Resolved the compilation errors for ICCARM. CR-988625 1.7 tjs 11/16/17 Removed the unsupported 4 Byte write and sector erase commands. 1.7 tjs 12/01/17 Added support for MT25QL02G Flash from Micron. CR-990642 1.7 tjs 12/19/17 Added support for S25FL064L from Spansion. CR-990724 1.7 tjs 01/11/18 Added support for MX66L1G45G flash from Macronix CR-992367 1.7 tjs 01/16/18 Removed the check for DMA MSB to be written. (CR#992560) 1.7 tjs 01/17/18 Added support to toggle the WP pin of flash. (PR#2448) Added XQspiPsu_SetWP() in xqspipsu_options.c Added XQspiPsu_WriteProtectToggle() in xqspipsu.c and also added write protect example. 1.7 tjs 03/14/18 Added support in EL1 NS mode (CR#974882) 1.7 tjs 26/03/18 In dual parallel mode enable both CS when issuing Write enable command. CR-998478 1.8 tjs 05/02/18 Added support for IS25LP064 and IS25WP064. 1.8 tjs 06/26/18 Added an example for accessing 64bit dma within 32 bit application. CR#1004701 1.8 tjs 06/26/18 Removed checkpatch warnings 1.8 tjs 07/09/19 Fixed cppcheck, doxygen and gcc warnings. 1.8 tjs 07/18/18 Setup64BRxDma() should be called only if the RxAddress is greater than 32 bit address space. (CR#1006862) 1.8 tjs 07/18/18 Added support for the low density ISSI flash parts. 1.8 tjs 09/06/18 Fixed the code in XQspiPsu_GenFifoEntryData() for data transfer length up to 255 for reducing the extra loop. 1.9 tjs 11/22/17 Added the check for A72 and R5 processors (CR-987075) 1.9 tjs 04/17/18 Updated register addresses as per the latest revision of versal (CR#999610) 1.9 aru 01/17/19 Fixed the violations for MISRAC-2012 in safety mode .Done changes such as added U suffix, Declared pointer param as const. 1.9 nsk 02/01/19 Clear DMA_DST_ADDR_MSB register on 32bit machine, if the address is of only 32bit (CR#1020031) 1.9 nsk 02/01/19 Added QSPI idling support
1.9 akm 03/08/19 Set recommended clock and data tap delay values for 40MHZ, 100MHZ and 150MHZ frequencies(CR#1023187) 1.9 nsk 03/27/19 Update 64bit dma support (CR#1018102). 1.9 akm 04/03/19 Fixed data alignment warnings on IAR compiler. 1.9 akm 04/03/19 Fixed compilation error in XQspiPsu_LqspiRead() function on IAR compiler. 1.10 sk 08/20/19 Fixed issues in poll timeout feature. 1.10 akm 08/22/19 Set recommended tap delay values for 37.5MHZ, 100MHZ and 150MHZ frequencies in Versal. 1.10 akm 09/05/19 Added Multi Die Erase and Multi Die Read support. 1.11 akm 11/07/19 Removed LQSPI register access in Versal. 1.11 akm 11/15/19 Fixed Coverity deadcode warning in XQspipsu_Calculate_Tapdelay(). 1.11 akm 02/19/20 Added XQspiPsu_StartDmaTransfer() and XQspiPsu_CheckDmaDone() APIs for non-blocking transfer. 1.11 sd 01/02/20 Added clocking support 1.11 akm 03/09/20 Reorganize the source code, enable qspi controller and interrupts in XQspiPsu_CfgInitialize() API. 1.11 akm 03/26/20 Fixed issue by updating XQspiPsu_CfgInitialize to return XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED instead of asserting, when the instance is already configured(CR#1058525). 1.12 akm 09/02/20 Updated the Makefile to support parallel make execution. 1.13 akm 01/04/21 Fix MISRA-C violations. 1.13 sne 04/23/21 Fixed doxygen warnings. 1.14 akm 06/24/21 Allow enough time for the controller to reset the FIFOs. 1.14 akm 08/12/21 Perform Dcache invalidate at the end of the DMA transfer. 1.17 akm 10/31/22 Add support for Winbond flash w25q02nw. 1.17 akm 12/16/22 Add timeout in QSPIPSU driver operation. 1.17 akm 01/02/23 Use Xil_WaitForEvent() API for register bit polling. 1.18 sb 06/07/23 Added support for system device-tree flow. 1.18 sb 06/19/23 Add memory barrier instruction and convert IsBusy variable to volatile. 1.18 ht 07/18/23 Fixed GCC warnings. 1.18 sb 08/01/23 Added support for Feed back clock 1.19 sb 01/12/24 Added support for baud rate divisior 1.20 ht 09/27/24 Fix IAR warning.