All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
HTTP/REST C++ client (@cbf33b8)
gRPC API based on KServe v2 API (@37a6aad and others)
‘ServerMetadata’ endpoint to the API (@7747911)
‘modelList’ endpoint to the API (@7477b7d)
Parse JSON data as string in HTTP body (@694800e)
Directory monitoring for model loading (@6459797)
‘ModelMetadata’ endpoint to the API (@22b9d1a)
MIGraphX backend (#34)
Pre-commit for style verification(@048bdd7)
Use Pybind11 to create Python API (#20)
Two logs are created now: server and client
Logging macro is now
Loading workers is now case-insensitive (@14ed4ef and @90a51ae)
Build AKS from source (@e04890f)
Use consistent custom exceptions (#30)
Update Docker build commands to opt-in to all backends (#43)
Get the right request size in the batcher when enqueuing with the C++ API (@d1ad81d)
Construct responses correctly in the XModel worker if there are multiple input buffers (@d1ad81d)
Populate the right number of offsets in the hard batcher (@6666142)
Calculate offset values correctly during batching (@8c7534b)
Get correct library dependencies for production container (@14ed4ef)
Correctly throw an exception if a worker gets an error during initialization (#29)
Detect errors in HTTP client during loading (@99ffc33)
Construct batches with the right sizes (#57)
0.1.0 - 2022-02-08¶
Core inference server functionality
Batching support
Support for running multiple workers simultaneously
Support for different batcher and buffer implementations
XModel support
Logging, metrics and tracing support
REST API based on KServe v2 API
Python library for REST
Documentation, examples, and some tests
Experimental GUI