
Implements the methods for interacting with Proteus in the native C++ API.

namespace proteus

The Migraphx worker accepts the name of an migraphx model file as an argument and compiles and evaluates it.


Implements the methods for interacting with Proteus with gRPC.

class GrpcClientImpl

Public Functions

inline explicit GrpcClientImpl(const std::shared_ptr<::grpc::Channel> &channel)
inline inference::GRPCInferenceService::Stub *getStub()

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<inference::GRPCInferenceService::Stub> stub_
namespace proteus

The Migraphx worker accepts the name of an migraphx model file as an argument and compiles and evaluates it.


ModelMetadata mapProtoToModelMetadata(const inference::ModelMetadataResponse &resp)
template<class ...Ts>
overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>
void mapParametersToProto(const std::map<std::string, proteus::Parameter> &parameters, google::protobuf::Map<std::string, inference::InferParameter> *grpc_parameters)
void mapRequestToProto(const InferenceRequest &request, inference::ModelInferRequest &grpc_request)
void mapPrototoResponse(const inference::ModelInferResponse &reply, InferenceResponse &response)
template<class ...Ts>
struct overloaded : public Ts, public Ts