AMD Inference Server is integrated with ZenDNN optimized libraries. Currently, the AMD Inference Server supports the ZenDNN optimized for TensorFlow and PyTorch. Check the examples to see how to use ZenDNN with the Inference Server.

For ZenDNN performance, please refer to TensorFlow + ZenDNN and PyTorch + ZenDNN User Guide available at the ZenDNN AMD Developer site.

Setup and Build

To use Inference Server enabled with TensorFlow/PyTorch+ZenDNN, you’ll need Git and Docker installed on your machine.

  1. Download C++ package for TensorFlow/PyTorch+ZenDNN

    1. Go to https://developer.amd.com/zendnn/

    2. Download the file

      1. For TensorFlow: TF_v2.9_ZenDNN_v3.3_C++_API.zip

      2. For PyTorch: PT_v1.11.0_ZenDNN_v3.3_C++_API.zip

    3. For download, you will be required to sign a EULA. Please read through carefully and click on accept to download the package.

    4. Copy the downloaded package within the repository. This package will be used for further setup.


      The package will be needed by the Docker build process so it must be in a location that is not excluded in the .dockerignore file such as the root of the repository.

  2. Build the docker with TensorFlow/PyTorch+ZenDNN

    To build docker image with TensorFlow/PyTorch+ZenDNN, use the command below:

    1. For TensorFlow

      $ ./proteus dockerize --tfzendnn=./local/path/to/TF_v2.9_ZenDNN_v3.3_C++_API.zip
    2. For PyTorch

      $ ./proteus dockerize --ptzendnn=./local/path/to/PT_v1.11.0_ZenDNN_v3.3_C++_API.zip

    This will build a docker image with all the dependencies required for the AMD Inference Server and setup TensorFlow/PyTorch+ZenDNN within the image for further usage.

Get objects (models/images)

Run the following command to get some git lfs assets for examples/tests.

$ git lfs fetch --all
$ git lfs pull

To run the examples and test cases, we need to download some models. Run the command below to download ResNet50 TensorFlow and PyTorch models.

$ ./proteus get

The models downloaded will be available at ./external/tensorflow_models. and ./external/pytorch_models.

Set Up Docker Container

  1. Run the container

    By default, the stable dev docker image is built and to run the container, use the command:

    $ ./proteus run --dev
  2. Build AMD Inference Server

    Now that the environment is setup within the docker container, we need to build the Inference Server. The below command will build the stable debug build of the AMD Inference Server.

    $ ./proteus build --debug

    NOTE: If you are switching containers, and build folder already exits in the inference-server folder, please use --regen --clean flags to regenerate CMakeFiles and do a clean build to avoid any issues.

  3. For PyTorch+ZenDNN only We need to convert the downloaded PyTorch eager model to TorchScript Model (Exporting to TorchScript docs).

    To convert the model to TorchScript model, follow the steps.

    1. We will need to use the PyTorch python API. Install requirements with:

      $ pip3 install -r tools/zendnn/requirements.txt
    2. To convert the model to TorchScript Model do:

      $ python tools/zendnn/convert_to_torchscript.py --graph external/pytorch_models/resnet50_pretrained.pth

      The script will do the following:

      1. Load ResNet50 architecture from tools/zendnn/resnet50.py file.

      2. Load the downloaded weights to the model.

      3. Do a jit trace of model.

      4. Save the traced TorchScript model to the same location with .pt extension.

    The converted TorchScript model will be used by the examples and tests. For more info on TorchScript models, please visit PyTorch docs.

Run Tests

To verify the working of TensorFlow+ZenDNN in the AMD Inference Server, run a sample test case. This test will load a model and run with a sample image and assert the output.

  1. For TensorFlow + ZenDNN

    $ ./proteus test -k tfzendnn
  2. For PyTorch + ZenDNN

    $ ./proteus test -k ptzendnn