ZenDNN Examples

There are two examples provided in the repo (Python API and C++ API) for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Python API

Python examples below will do the following:

  1. Start the AMD Inference Server on HTTP port 8998

  2. Load the AMD Inference Server with the specified model file

  3. Read the image specified / Create dummy data

  4. Sends the data to the AMD Inference Server over HTTP

  5. Get the result back from the AMD Inference Server over HTTP

  6. Post process if any and display the output

TensorFlow + ZenDNN

The python example is available at examples/python/tf_zendnn.py.

  1. To run the example with a real image:

    $ python examples/python/tf_zendnn.py --graph ./external/tensorflow_models/resnet_v1_50_baseline_6.96B_922.pb --image_location ./tests/assets/dog-3619020_640.jpg
  2. To run the example with dummy data:

    $ python examples/python/tf_zendnn.py --graph ./external/tensorflow_models/resnet_v1_50_baseline_6.96B_922.pb --batch_size 16 --steps 4

    The above command will run the example with dummy data (4 requests with 16 dummy images each). This can be used as a functional test.

For more options, check the help with:

$ python examples/python/tf_zendnn.py --help

PyTorch + ZenDNN

The python example is available at examples/python/pt_zendnn.py.

  1. To run the example with a real image:

    $ python examples/python/pt_zendnn.py --graph ./external/pytorch_models/resnet50_pretrained.pt --image_location ./tests/assets/dog-3619020_640.jpg
  2. To run the example with dummy data:

    $ python examples/python/pt_zendnn.py --graph ./external/pytorch_models/resnet50_pretrained.pt --batch_size 16 --steps 4

    The above command will run the example with dummy data (4 requests with 16 dummy images each). This can be used as a functional test.

For more options, check the help with:

$ python examples/python/pt_zendnn.py --help


The C++ API bypasses the HTTP server and connects directly to the Inference Server. The flow is as follows:

  1. Load the AMD Inference Server with the specified model file

  2. Read the image specified / Create dummy data and prepare input

  3. The data is packed into an Interface object and pushed to a queue

  4. Retrieve the result back from the AMD Inference Server

  5. Post process if any and display the output

The C++ example will be built when the server is being built according to the packages available.

  • To run the C++ example with real image, provide image_location in Option struct in source code.

  • If image_location is set to "" in Option, dummy data will be used. This can be used for benchmarking.

TensorFlow + ZenDNN

Source is available at examples/cpp/tf_zendnn_client.cpp. To build and run the example:

$ ./proteus build --debug && ./build/Debug/examples/cpp/tf_zendnn_client

PyTorch + ZenDNN

Source is available at examples/cpp/pt_zendnn_client.cpp. To build and run the example:

$ ./proteus build --debug && ./build/Debug/examples/cpp/pt_zendnn_client