Generating BOOT.bin


As outlined in the bootfw overview, the AMD Kria™ SOM Starter Kit BOOT.BIN is part of the quad SPI (QSPI) image, and contains four components: FSBL, PMU_FW, TF-A, and U-Boot. This page outlines the process to recreate a BOOT.bin for Kria SOM Starter kits used in A/B image update. Both PetaLinux and Yocto supports BOOT.BIN generation. Yocto support for generating the Kria SOM Starter Kit BOOT.BIN image only starts in 2023.1, previous versions do not have support.

Generate BOOT.BIN Using Yocto

Yocto Kria Support details how to use Yocto to generate Kria artifacts; go through this page from beginning to “Build the Artifacts” section to set up Yocto.

The bitbake recipe for BOOT.BIN in Yocto is xilinx-bootbin and the command to build is:

MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake xilinx-bootbin # for K26
MACHINE=k24-smk bitbake xilinx-bootbin # for K24

To set U-Boot configuration, use this command before building:

MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake virtual/bootloader -c menuconfig

Generate BOOT.BIN Using PetaLinux

Go through the PetaLinux Build Instructions. There are instructions to generate BOOT.BIN from PetaLinux. To recap, they are the following:

petalinux-create -t project -s <kria_starterkit>.bsp
cd <kria_starter_kit_petalinux_folder>
petalinux-package --boot --u-boot --force

You will find new boot firmware at /image/linux/BOOT.BIN.

To set the configuration for U-Boot, use this command before petalinux-build:

petalinux-config –c u-boot

The new BOOT.BIN can be loaded to the Starter Kit using the xmutil bootfw_update utility described in Kria Wiki’s Boot FW Update Process section.


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