AVED Updating Design PDI in Flash

  1. The ami_tool cfgmem_info command will list the available partitions that have been defined in the FPT.

# Usage: ami_tool cfgmem_info -d <bdf> -t <type> [options...]
$ sudo ami_tool cfgmem_info -d 21:00.0 -t primary

Primary FPT:

Version       | 1
Header Size   | 128
Entry Size    | 128
Entries       | 2

Partition   | Type       | Address      | Size
0           | PDI_BOOT   | 0x00008000   | 0x07e00000
1           | PDI_BOOT   | 0x07e08000   | 0x07e00000

  1. The ami_tool cfgmem_program command can then be used to write a design pdi to a PDI_BOOT partition.


# usage: sudo ami_tool cfgmem_program -d <bdf> -t <type> -i <pdi path> -p <flash partition number>

$ sudo ami_tool cfgmem_program -d 21:00.0 -t primary -i /opt/amd/aved/amd_v80_gen5x8_24.1/design.pdi -p 0
Device | 21:00.0
Current Configuration
UUID   | 9f50fc8fe7bc4d6e1ae0044cdf5f8f61
Incoming Configuration
UUID      | 9f50fc8fe7bc4d6e1ae0044cdf5f8f61
Path      | /opt/amd/aved/amd_v80_gen5x8_24.1/design.pdi
Partition | 0
Are you sure you wish to proceed? [Y/n]: Y

Updating base flash image...
[####################################################################################################] 100% |
Image programming complete.
Will do a hot reset to boot into partition 0. This may take a minute...

Note: This command takes > 10 mins to complete when programming the amd_v80_gen5x8_24.1_xbtest_stress/design.pdi file to flash. Once the flash programming starts, as indicated by the progress bar percentage. Once after a hot reset, we can see updated PDI info using ami_tool overview command.

  1. Unless the -q option was specified, AMI will automatically instruct a boot to occur from the newly updated partition upon the completion of the cfgmem_program command.

Subsequent boots from any of the available PDI_BOOT partitions can be performed using the ami_tool device_boot command.

sudo ami_tool device_boot -d 21:00.0 -p 0

When using this approach it is important to make sure that the version of AMI is compatible with the version of AMC which is running on the card (compatibility is indicated by having the same Major & Minor version numbers in the AMI/AMC Major.Minor.Patch version number format.)

Further details on how to use the AMI tool to update the design PDI can be found here AVED Management Interface userguide (ami_tool)

Page Revision: v. 12