Internal Design of Connected Component


In graph theory, a component, sometimes called a connected component, of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices in the supergraph (from wikipedia). The API will compute the (weakly) connected component (CC) of each vertex and return a graph with the vertex value containing the lowest vertex id in the CC containing that vertex.


The implemented Connected Component is based on Breadth-first Search graph traversal equiped with one First-In-First-Out queue. The pseduo-code is shown as below:

procedure ConnectedComponent(graph_CSR)
grpah_CSC := csr2csc(graph_CSR)

for each vertex v in graph
    result(v) := -1

result(0) := 1
push node 0 into Queue
while all vertexs have been labeled
    while Queue is not empty
        u := pop Queue
        for each edge(u, v) in both graph_CSR and graph_CSC
            if result(v) == -1 then
                result(v) := u + 1
                push v into Queue
            end if
        end for
    end while

    newRoot := findNewRoot(result)
    push root node into Queue
end while

return result

Here, connected component will get all indegree and outdegree of each u when the input graph is directed. As a result, one addition csr2csc operation is required at the begining.


The input should be a directed/undirected graph in compressed sparse row (CSR) format. The result will return a vertex list with each vertex value containing the lowest vertex id in the CC.


The detail algorithm implemention is illustrated as below:

Diagram of Connected Component

The overall diagram of this kernel is mostly same as BFS kernel except for extra input CSC graph and one mergeSort module. The mergeSort will merge and output one sorted stream for two input indegree and outdegree sorted stream. And the duplicate vertex in the single sorted output stream will be removed before entering the readRes module.

Profiling and Benchmarks

The connected component is validated on Alveo U250 board at 280MHz frequency. The hardware resource utilization and benchmark results are shown in the two table below.

Table 1 Hardware resources
Platform 104112 165 0 4
wcc_kernel 103923 387 112 3
Total 208035 (12%) 552 (21%) 112 (9%) 7 (0%)
Table 2 Comparison between spark on CPU and FPGA
Datasets Vertex Edges FPGA Time Spark (4 threads) Spark (8 threads) Spark (16 threads) Spark (32 threads)
Spark Time Speed up Spark Time Speed up Spark Time Speed up Spark Time Speed up
as-Skitter 1696415 11095298 3401 27063 7.96 18195 5.35 16382 4.82 20490 6.02
coPapersDBLP 540486 15245729 1958 24109 12.31 17997 9.19 13723 7.01 17136 8.75
coPapersCiteseer 434102 16036720 1811 24020 13.26 20516 11.33 14546 8.03 18863 10.42
cit-Patents 3774768 16518948 16365 58366 3.57 42697 2.61 34405 2.10 34862 2.13
hollywood 1139905 57515616 7887 60888 7.72 41505 5.26 34689 4.40 31272 3.97
soc-LiveJournal1 4847571 68993773 30519 116193 3.81 91749 3.01 59977 1.97 67258 2.20
ljournal-2008 5363260 79023142 24334 144183 5.93 102186 4.20 74971 3.08 87338 3.59
GEOMEAN     7347.43 51284.68 6.98X 37865.87 5.15X 29071.30 3.96X 32977.43 4.49X


1. Spark running on platform with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @2.600GHz, 56 Threads (2 Sockets, 14 Core(s) per socket, 2 Thread(s) per core)
2. Time unit: ms.