Internal Design of PageRank


PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites. Currently, PageRank is not the only algorithm used by Google to order search results, but it is the first algorithm that was used by the companies, and it is the best known.


PageRank algorithm implementation:

\[PR(A) = \alpha + (1 - \alpha) (\frac{PR(B)}{Out(B)}+\frac{PR(C)}{Out(C)}+\frac{PR(D)}{Out(D)}+...)\]

\(A, B, C ,D...\) are different vertex. \(PR\) is the pagerank value of vertex, \(Out\) represents the out degree of vertex and \(\alpha\) is the damping factor, normally equals to 0.85

The algorithm’s pseudocode is as follows

for each edge (u, v) in graph   // calculate du degree
    degree(v) += 1

for each node u in graph    // initiate DDR
    const(u) := (1- alpha) / degree(u)
    PR_old(u) := 1 / total vertex number

while norm(PR_old - PR_new) > tolerance   // iterative add
    for each vertex u in graph
        PR_new(u) := alpha
        for each vertex v point to u
            PR_new(u) += const(v)*PR_old(v)

return PR_new


The input matrix should ensure that the following conditions hold:

  1. directed graph
  2. No self edges
  3. No duplicate edges
  4. compressed sparse column (CSC) format

Note that this is not the “normalized” PageRank:

  1. The results are the same as some third-party graph databases, ex. Tigergraph
  2. The results are the same as some third-party graph databases after normalized of order 1, ex. Spark
  3. In the current version, the weighted PageRank algorithm is implemented by default.
  4. For the input unweighted graph, the user still needs to initialize the weight buffer manually to make the kernel work normally, as shown in the ./tests/host codes.

The algorithm implemention is shown as the figure below:

Figure 1 : PageRank calculate degree architecture on FPGA

Figure 1 PageRank calculate degree architecture on FPGA

Figure 2 : PageRank initiation module architecture on FPGA

Figure 2 PageRank initiation module architecture on FPGA

Figure 3 : PageRank Adder architecture on FPGA

Figure 3 PageRank Adder architecture on FPGA

Figure 4 : PageRank calConvergence architecture on FPGA

Figure 4 PageRank calConvrgence architecture on FPGA

As we can see from the figure:

  1. Module calculate degree: first get the vertex node’s outdegree and keep them in one DDR buffer.
  2. Module initiation: initiate PR DDR buffers and constant value buffer.
  3. Module Adder: calculate Sparse matrix multiplification.
  4. Module calConvergence: calculate convergence of pagerank iteration.


The hardware resource utilizations are listed in the following table. Different tool versions may result slightly different resource.

Table 1 : Hardware resources for PageRank with small cache

Table 1 Hardware resources for PageRank with a small cache (cache size 512bits)
Kernel BRAM URAM DSP FF LUT Frequency(MHz)
kernel_pagerank_0 216 0 42 123998 88372 300

Table 2 : Hardware resources for PageRank with cache

Table 2 Hardware resources for PageRank with cache (maximum supported cache size 32K in one SLR of Alveo U50)
Kernel BRAM URAM DSP FF LUT Frequency(MHz)
kernel_pagerank_0 216 224 42 124054 95950 225

With the increase of cache depth, the acceleration ratio increases obviously, but due to the use of a lot of URAM, the frequency will drop. So the adviced cache depth is 32K for 1SLR of Alveo U50.

Table 3 : Comparison between CPU SPARK and FPGA VITIS_GRAPH

Table 3 Comparison between CPU SPARK and FPGA VITIS_GRAPH
datasets Vertex Edges FPGA time cache 1 FPGA time cache 32K Spark (4 threads) Spark (8 threads) Spark (16 threads) Spark (32 threads)
Spark time speedup Cache 1 speedup Cache 32K Spark time speedup Cache 1 speedup Cache 32K Spark time speedup Cache 1 speedup Cache 32K Spark time speedup Cache 1 speedup Cache 32K
as-Skitter 1694616 11094209 8.723 3.786 25.431 2.915 6.717 23.064 2.644 6.092 25.163 2.885 6.646 48.137 5.518 12.714
coPapersDBLP 540486 15245729 6.523 4.217 29.366 4.502 6.964 23.56 3.612 5.587 27.756 4.255 6.582 58.432 8.958 13.856
coPapersCiteseer 434102 16036720 5.571 4.166 24.161 4.337 5.800 21.274 3.819 5.107 24.545 4.406 5.892 55.312 9.929 13.277
cit-Patents 3774768 16518948 14.124 12.358 41.103 2.910 3.326 33.61 2.380 2.720 30.238 2.141 2.447 40.201 2.846 3.253
europe_osm 50912018 54054660 47.376 51.919 1197.746 25.282 23.070 668.923 14.119 12.884 423.886 8.947 8.164
hollywood 1139905 57515616 66.782 19.999 98.685 1.478 4.934 77.557 1.161 3.878 78.66 1.178 3.933 146.719 2.197 7.336
soc-LiveJournal1 4847571 68993773 142.526 79.792 403.137 2.829 5.052 288.605 2.025 3.617 281.886 1.978 3.533 272.344 1.911 3.413
ljournal-2008 5363260 79023142 166.998 66.814 447.311 2.679 6.695 258.133 1.546 3.864 208.849 1.251 3.126 281.81 1.688 4.218
GEOMEAN     27.604 16.121 105.891 3.837X 6.571X 78.899 2.858X 4.896X 75.152 2.723X 4.663X 95.115 3.772X 6.976X


1. Spark time is the execution time of funciton “pageRank.runUntilConvergence”.
2. Spark running on platform with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @2.600GHz, 56 Threads (2 Sockets, 14 Core(s) per socket, 2 Thread(s) per core).
3. time unit: second.
4. “-” Indicates that the result could not be obtained due to insufficient memory.
5. FPGA time is the kernel runtime by adding data transfer and executed with pagerank_cache