AVED Clock Control (ACC) Proxy Driver


The ACC proxy driver will store an internal list of sensors required for the throttling algorithm during initialization. It will also create a number of resources, including a mutex for protection, a mailbox to handle asynchronous responses and a task to implement the clock control features.

The ACC proxy task will:

  • Implement clock shutdown for fatal and critical threshold levels.

  • Enable/Disable clock shutdown feature.

  • Re-enable clock shutdown.

The proxy API consists of a number of functions to report to the ACC that a sensor has exceeded various threshold limits. The APIs will post an internal message with the required data onto the mailbox. The ACC proxy will service this mailbox and implement the appropriate clock control features. The required sensor ID and Type passed into the APIs, are checked against the internal list of clock shutdown sensors by the ACC proxy task.

The API also provides two debug functions to display and clear of the stat/error counters.

Note: Clock shutdown is currently not implemented.


Initialize Driver


 * @brief   Main initialisation point for the ACC Proxy Driver
 * @param   ucProxyId       Unique ID for this Proxy driver
 * @param   ulTaskPrio      Priority of the Proxy driver task ( if RR disabled )
 * @param   ulTaskStack     Stack size of the Proxy driver task
 * @param   pxShutdownData  Sensor IDs required to monitor for shutdown
 * @param   User            Clock Control Base Address
 * @return  OK              Proxy driver initialised correctly
 *          ERROR           Proxy driver not initialised, or was already initialised
 * @note    Proxy drivers can have 0 or more firmware interfaces
int iACC_Initialise( uint8_t ucProxyId, uint32_t ulTaskPrio, uint32_t ulTaskStack,
                        ACC_PROXY_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_SENSOR_DATA* pxShutdownData,
                        void* pvUCCBaseAddress );

Bind Callbacks


 * @brief   Bind into this proxy driver
 * @param   pxCallback  Callback to bind into the proxy driver
 * @return  OK          Callback successfully bound
 *          ERROR       Callback not bound
int iACC_BindCallback( EVL_CALLBACK *pxCallback );

Clear Statistics


 * @brief   Clear all the stats in this driver
 * @return  OK              Stats cleared successfully
 *          ERROR           Stats not cleared successfully
int iACC_ClearStatistics( void );

Enable Clock Shutdown


 * @brief   Enable Clock Shutdown for threshold crossing
 * @return  OK              Shutdown enabled successfully
 *          ERROR           Shutdown enable unsuccessful
int iACC_EnableShutdown( void );

Disable Clock Shutdown


 * @brief   Disable Clock Shutdown for threshold crossing
 * @return  OK              Shutdown disabled successfully
 *          ERROR           Shutdown disable unsuccessful
int iACC_DisableShutdown( void );

Sensor exceeded fatal limit


 * @brief   Report to ACC that a sensor has exceeded fatal limit
 * @param   ucSensorId      The ID to identify the sensor
 * @param   ucSensorType    The type of sensor, temp, current, voltage or power
 * @return  OK              Fatal Limit reported successfully
 *          ERROR           Fatal Limit report was unsuccessful
int iACC_FatalLimitExceeded( uint8_t ucSensorId, uint8_t ucSensorType  );

Sensor exceeded critical limit


 * @brief   Report to ACC that a sensor has exceeded critical limit
 * @param   ucSensorId      The ID to identify the sensor
 * @param   ucSensorType    The type of sensor, temp, current, voltage or power
 * @return  OK              Critical Limit reported successfully
 *          ERROR           Critical Limit report was unsuccessful
int iACC_CriticalLimitExceeded( uint8_t ucSensorId, uint8_t ucSensorType  );

Sensor has exceeded warning limit


 * @brief   Report to ACC that a sensor has exceeded warning limit
 * @param   ucSensorId      The ID to identify the sensor
 * @param   ucSensorType    The type of sensor, temp, current, voltage or power
 * @return  OK              Warning Limit reported successfully
 *          ERROR           Warning Limit report was unsuccessful
int iACC_WarningLimitExceeded( uint8_t ucSensorId, uint8_t ucSensorType  );

Reset Limit


 * @brief   Re-enable the clock if previously shutdown
 * @return  OK              Reset Limit successful
 *          ERROR           Reset Limit was unsuccessful
int iACC_ResetLimit( void  );

Sequence Diagrams

ACC Proxy Initialisation

Two ACC API functions are called from the AMC main task (iACC_Initialise, iACC_BindCallback), in order to initialise the proxy.

iACC_Initialise will create a shared proxy mutex and mailbox, and create the proxy task. It will also copy the provided number of sensors and their provided data, along with setting an initialized flag.

iACC_BindCallback will bind the appropriate top-level callback function.

ACC Proxy Task

The Task within ACC has a number of responsibilities:

  • Pend to its mailbox, and handle the incoming messages.

  • Implement clock shutdown for fatal and critical threshold levels.

  • Enable/Disable clock shutdown feature.

  • Re-enable clock shutdown.

The sequence flow diagram below outlines the top-level functionality of the ACC proxy task.



Initialize Driver

This function should only be called once. It requires a unique ID for the proxy, used for signaling new events, a task priority and stack size. It also requires pointers to three structures, clock throttling sensor IDs, profile, default parameters, and a final pointer to the clock control base address.

iAQC_Initialise Example

                           &xThrottlingSensors, &xClockThrottlingProfile,
                           &xClockThrottlingParams, ( void * )HAL_USER_CLOCK_CONTROL_BASE_ADDRESS ) )
    AMC_PRINTF( "ACC Proxy Driver initialised\r\n" );
    AMC_PRINTF( "Error initialising ACC Proxy Driver\r\n" );

Register For Callback

Define a function based on the function pointer prototype and bind in using the API.

iACC_BindCallback Example

/* Define a callback to handle the events */
static int iAccCallback( EVL_SIGNAL *pxSignal )
    int iStatus = ERROR;

    if( ( NULL != pxSignal ) && ( AMC_EVENT_UNIQUE_ID_ACC == pxSignal->ucModule ) )
        /* AMC_PRINTF( "ACC Proxy Driver (0x%02X), Instance %d, ", pxSignal->ucModule, pxSignal->ucInstance ); */
        switch( pxSignal->ucEventType )

            AMC_PRINTF( "Event ACC_PROXY_DRIVER_E_CLOCK_SHUTDOWN_ENABLED (0x%02X)\r\n", pxSignal->ucEventType );
            iStatus = OK;

            AMC_PRINTF( "Event ACC_PROXY_DRIVER_E_CLOCK_SHUTDOWN_DISABLED (0x%02X)\r\n", pxSignal->ucEventType );
            iStatus = OK;

            AMC_PRINTF( "Event ACC_PROXY_DRIVER_E_CLOCK_SHUTDOWN_ACTIVATED (0x%02X)\r\n", pxSignal->ucEventType );
            iStatus = OK;

            AMC_PRINTF( "Event ACC_PROXY_DRIVER_E_CLOCK_SHUTDOWN_CLOCK_REENABLED (0x%02X)\r\n", pxSignal->ucEventType );
            iStatus = OK;

    return iStatus;

/* Bind into the callback during the application initialisation */
if( OK == iACC_BindCallback( &iAccCallback ) )
    AMC_PRINTF( "ACC Proxy Driver initialised and bound\r\n" );
    AMC_PRINTF( "Error binding to ACC Proxy Driver\r\n" );

Enable Clock Shutdown

Simply call iACC_EnableShutdown to Enable Clock Shutdown for threshold crossing, no params are required.

iACC_EnableShutdown Example

if( OK != iACC_EnableShutdown() )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling EnableShutdown\r\n" );

Disable Clock Shutdown

Simply call iACC_DisableShutdown to Disable Clock Shutdown for threshold crossing, no params are required.

iACC_DisableShutdown Example

if( OK != iACC_DisableShutdown() )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling DisableShutdown\r\n" );

Sensor exceeded fatal limit

Example calling ACC Fatal Limit Exceeded, taking two params, iSensorId and iSensorType.

iACC_FatalLimitExceeded Example

int iSensorId   = 0; /* Set Sensor Id (0 - 255) */
int iSensorType = 0; /* Set Sensor Type (0-Temp, 1-Voltage, 2-Current, 4-Power) */

if( OK != iACC_FatalLimitExceeded( ( uint8_t )iSensorId, ( uint32_t )iSensorType ) )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling iACC_FatalLimitExceeded\r\n" );
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "iACC_FatalLimitExceeded called successfully \r\n" );

Sensor exceeded critical limit

Example calling ACC Critical Limit Exceeded, taking two params, iSensorId and iSensorType.

iACC_CriticalLimitExceeded Example

int iSensorId   = 0; /* Set Sensor Id (0 - 255) */
int iSensorType = 0; /* Set Sensor Type (0-Temp, 1-Voltage, 2-Current, 4-Power) */

if( OK != iACC_CriticalLimitExceeded( ( uint8_t )iSensorId, ( uint32_t )iSensorType ) )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling iACC_CriticalLimitExceeded\r\n" );
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "iACC_CriticalLimitExceeded called successfully \r\n" );

Sensor has exceeded warning limit

Example calling ACC Warning Limit Exceeded, taking two params, iSensorId and iSensorType.

iACC_WarningLimitExceeded Example

int iSensorId   = 0; /* Set Sensor Id (0 - 255) */
int iSensorType = 0; /* Set Sensor Type (0-Temp, 1-Voltage, 2-Current, 4-Power) */

if( OK != iACC_WarningLimitExceeded( ( uint8_t )iSensorId, ( uint32_t )iSensorType ) )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling iACC_WarningLimitExceeded\r\n" );
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "iACC_WarningLimitExceeded called successfully \r\n" );

Reset Limit

Simply call iACC_ResetLimit to re-enable the clock if previously shutdown, no params are required.

iACC_ResetLimit Example

if( OK != iACC_ResetLimit( ) )
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "Error calling iACC_ResetLimit\r\n" );
    ACC_DBG_PRINTF( "iACC_ResetLimit called successfully \r\n" );

Page Revision: v. 19