Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL)


The OSAL has been developed to allow AMC source to be agnostic to any target operating system, allowing target OS to be configured at compilation via the cmake build process (see - Profiles and CMake build process).

A common API has been developed, and used throughout AMC source code. OS specific source implementations of the OSAL prevent any code changes throughout AMC when porting to a new OS. Two implementations of the OSAL are currently available with AMC (Linux and FreeRTOS).



Get OS Version


 * @brief   This function will return OS type and version information for the OSAL
 *          implementation being used.
 * @param   pcOs            Pointer to OS Name buffer.
 * @param   ucVersionMajor  Pointer to uint8_t holding OS version major.
 * @param   ucVersionMinor  Pointer to uint8_t holding OS version minor.
 * @param   ucVersionBuild  Pointer to uint8_t holding OS version build.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_GetOsVersion( char pcOs[ OSAL_OS_NAME_LEN ],
                        uint8_t* pucVersionMajor,
                        uint8_t* pucVersionMinor,
                        uint8_t* pucVersionBuild );

Scheduler APIs

Start RTOS scheduler


 * @brief   This function will create an initial task, and then start the RTOS Scheduler.
 * @param   iRoundRobinEnabled   Flag indicating if round robin scheduling should be used.
 *                               If TRUE, Round-Robin is enabled. If FALSE, Round-Robin is disabled.
 * @param   ppvTaskHandle        Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Task Handle data type
 * @param   pvStartTask          Pointer to Start Task function
 * @param   usStartTaskStackSize The number of bytes to allocate for use as the start task's stack.
 * @param   ulStartTaskPriority  The priority at which the the created start task will execute
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If successful, this function should never return.
int iOSAL_StartOS( int         iRoundRobinEnabled,
                   void**      ppvTaskHandle,
                   void        ( *pvStartTask )( void ),
                   uint16_t    usStartTaskStackSize,
                   uint32_t    ulStartTaskPriority );

Get Tick count since scheduler started


 * @brief   Returns tick count since OS was initialised.
 * @return  Count of ticks since OS was initialised.
 * @note    This function cannot be called from an ISR.
uint32_t ulOSAL_GetUptimeTicks( void );

Get ms count since scheduler started


 * @brief   Returns ms count since OS was initialised.
 * @return  Ms since OS was initialised.
 * @note    This function cannot be called from an ISR.
uint32_t ulOSAL_GetUptimeMs( void );

Task APIs

Create OSAL Task


 * @brief   Create a new OSAL task.
 * @param   ppvTaskHandle   Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Task Handle data type
 * @param   pvTaskFunction  Pointer to Task function
 * @param   usTaskStackSize The number of bytes to allocate for use as the task's stack.
 * @param   pvTaskParam     The value to be passed as the parameter to the Task function
 * @param   ulTaskPriority  The priority at which the the created task will execute
 * @param   pcTaskName      Descriptive name for the task
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
 * @note    The Task Handle must be initialised as NULL.
int iOSAL_Task_Create( void**      ppvTaskHandle,
                       void        ( *pvTaskFunction )( void* pvTaskParam ),
                       uint16_t    usTaskStackSize,
                       void*       pvTaskParam,
                       uint32_t    ulTaskPriority,
                       const char* pcTaskName );

Delete OSAL Task


 * @brief   Remove OSAL task from RTOS Kernal.
 * @param   ppvTaskHandle   Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Task Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
 * @note    pvTaskHandle must have been previously initialised with iOSAL_Task_Create.
 *          If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_Task_Delete( void** ppvTaskHandle );

Suspend OSAL Task


 * @brief   Suspend any OSAL task.
 * @param   pvTaskHandle   Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Task Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
 * @note    Setting pvTaskHandle NULL, should cause calling task to be suspended
int iOSAL_Task_Suspend( void* pvTaskHandle );

Resume OSAL Task


 * @brief   Resume any OSAL task.
 * @param   pvTaskHandle   Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Task Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
 * @note    Setting pvTaskHandle NULL, should cause calling task to be resumed
int iOSAL_Task_Resume( void* pvTaskHandle );

OSAL Task Sleep (Ticks)


 * @brief   Delay a task for a given number of ticks.
 * @param   ulSleepTicks  The amount of time, in tick periods, that the calling task should block.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
int iOSAL_Task_SleepTicks( uint32_t ulSleepTicks );

OSAL Task Sleep (ms)


 * @brief   Delay a task for a given number of ms.
 * @param   ulSleepMs  The amount of time, in ms, that the calling task should block.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_NOT_STARTED      OS has not been started
int iOSAL_Task_SleepMs( uint32_t ulSleepMs );

Semaphore APIs

Create OSAL Semaphore


 * @brief   Creates a binary or counting semaphore, and sets OS Semaphore Handle by which the semaphore can be referenced.
 * @param   ppvSemHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Semaphore Handle data type.
 * @param   ullCount     The initial count value assigned to the semaphore when it is created.
 * @param   ullBucket    The maximum count value that can be reached.
 * @param   pcSemName    Descriptive name for the semaphore.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    The Semaphore Handle must be initialised as NULL.
 *          To create a binary semaphore, set ullBucket to 1.
int iOSAL_Semaphore_Create( void** ppvSemHandle,
                            uint32_t ullCount,
                            uint32_t ullBucket,
                            const char* pcSemName );

Delete OSAL Semaphore


 * @brief   Deletes the binary or counting semaphore, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   ppvSemHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Semaphore Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 * @note    If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_Semaphore_Destroy( void** ppvSemHandle );

Pend to OSAL Semaphore


 * @brief   Pends to / obtains a previously created semaphore, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvSemHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Semaphore Handle data type.
 * @param   ulTimeoutMs Timeout in ms to wait for a semaphore to become available.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Semaphore_Pend( void* pvSemHandle, uint32_t ulTimeoutMs );

Post to OSAL Semaphore


 * @brief   Posts / Releases a previously created semaphore, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvSemHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Semaphore Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If calling from an ISR, iOSAL_Semaphore_PostFromISR is recommended.
int iOSAL_Semaphore_Post( void* pvSemHandle );

Post to OSAL Semaphore (From ISR)


 * @brief   A version of iOSAL_Semaphore_Post() that can be called from an ISR.
 * @param   pvSemHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Semaphore Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Semaphore_PostFromISR( void* pvSemHandle );

Mutex APIs

Create OSAL Mutex


 * @brief   Creates a Mutex, and sets OS Mutex Handle by which the Mutex can be referenced.
 * @param   ppvMutexHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Mutex Handle data type
 * @param   pcMutexName    Descriptive name for the Mutex
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    The Mutex Handle must be initialised as NULL.
int iOSAL_Mutex_Create( void**      ppvMutexHandle,
                        const char* pcMutexName );

Delete OSAL Mutex


 * @brief   Deletes a Mutex, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   ppvMutexHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Mutex Handle data type
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_Mutex_Destroy( void** ppvMutexHandle );

Take OSAL Mutex


 * @brief   Obtains a previously created Mutex, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvMutexHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Mutex Handle data type.
 * @param   ulTimeoutMs Timeout in ms to wait for a Mutex to become available.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Mutex_Take( void*    pvMutexHandle,
                      uint32_t ulTimeoutMs );

Release OSAL Mutex


 * @brief   Releases a previously created Mutex, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvMutexHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Mutex Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Mutex_Release( void* pvMutexHandle );

Mailbox APIs

Create OSAL Mailbox


 * @brief   Creates a new MailBox, and sets OS MailBox Handle by which the MailBox can be referenced.
 * @param   ppvMBoxHandle  Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS MailBox Handle data type.
 * @param   ulMBoxLength   The max number of items the MailBox can hold.
 * @param   ulItemSize     Size (Bytes) of each item in the MailBox.
 * @param   pcMBoxName     Descriptive name for the MailBox.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    The MailBox Handle must be initialised as NULL.
int iOSAL_MBox_Create( void**      ppvMBoxHandle,
                       uint32_t    ulMBoxLength,
                       uint32_t    ulItemSize,
                       const char* pcMBoxName );

Delete OSAL Mailbox


 * @brief   Resets a MailBox, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   ppvMBoxHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS MailBox Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_MBox_Destroy( void** ppvMBoxHandle );

Pend to OSAL Mailbox


 * @brief   Recieve an item from a message Mailbox, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvMBoxHandle   Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Mailbox Handle data type.
 * @param   pvMBoxBuffer   A pointer to the buffer into which the received item will be copied.
 * @param   ulTimeoutMs      The maximum amount of time (ms) the task should block waiting for an item to receive.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_MBox_Pend( void*    pvMBoxHandle,
                     void*    pvMBoxBuffer,
                     uint32_t ulTimeoutMs );

Post to OSAL Mailbox


 * @brief   Posts an item onto a MailBox, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvMBoxHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS MailBox Handle data type.
 * @param   pvMBoxItem   A pointer to the item that is to be placed on the mailBox.
 * @param   ulTimeoutMs  The maximum amount of time (ms) the task should block waiting for space to become available on the mailBox.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If calling from an ISR, iOSAL_MBox_PostFromISR is recommended.
int iOSAL_MBox_Post( void*    pvMBoxHandle,
                     void*    pvMBoxItem,
                     uint32_t ulTimeoutMs );

Post to OSAL Mailbox (From ISR)


 * @brief   A version of iOSAL_MBox_Post() that can be called from an ISR.
 * @param   pvMBoxHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS MailBox Handle data type.
 * @param   pvMBoxItem   A pointer to the item that is to be placed on the mailBox.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_MBox_PostFromISR( void* pvMBoxHandle, void* pvMBoxItem );

Event APIs

Create OSAL Event Group


 * @brief   Creates a new Event Flag group, and sets OS Handle by which the Event Flag group can be referenced.
 * @param   ppvEventFlagHandle  Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Event Flag Handle data type.
 * @param   pcEventFlagName     Descriptive name for the MailBox.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    The Event Flag Handle must be initialised as NULL.
int iOSAL_EventFlag_Create( void** ppvEventFlagHandle, const char* pcEventFlagName );

Delete OSAL Event Group


 * @brief   Deletes an Event Flag group, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvEventFlagHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Event Flag Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_EventFlag_Destroy( void** ppvEventFlagHandle );

Pend to OSAL Event Group


 * @brief   Pend task to Wait for a bit or group of bits to become set.
 * @param   pvEventFlagHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Event Flag Handle data type.
 * @param   ulFlagWait Bitwise value to specify the bits to wait on being set or cleared.
 * @param   ulTimeoutMs The maximum amount of time (ms) the task should block waiting specified bits to be set.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    This function cannot be called from an ISR.
int iOSAL_EventFlag_Pend( void* pvEventFlagHandle, uint32_t ulFlagWait, uint32_t ulTimeoutMs );

Post to OSAL Event Group


 * @brief   Sets or clears event flag bits, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvEventFlagHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Event Flag Handle data type.
 * @param   ulFlagSet Bitwise value to specify the bits to be set or cleared.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If calling from an ISR, iOSAL_EventFlag_PostFromISR is recommended.
int iOSAL_EventFlag_Post( void* pvEventFlagHandle, uint32_t ulFlagSet );

Post to OSAL Event Group (From ISR)


 * @brief   A version of iOSAL_EventFlag_Post() that can be called from an ISR.
 * @param   pvEventFlagHandle Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Event Flag Handle data type.
 * @param   ulFlagSet Bitwise value to specify the bits to be set or cleared.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_EventFlag_PostFromISR( void* pvEventFlagHandle, uint32_t ulFlagSet );

Timer APIs

Create OSAL Timer


 * @brief   Creates a new software timer instance, and sets OS Handle by which the Timer can be referenced.
 * @param   ppvTimerHandle   Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Timer Handle data type.
 * @param   xTimerConfig     Timer config defining if timer is one-shot or periodic
 * @param   pvTimerCallback  The function to call when the timer expires.
 * @param   pcTimerName      A human readable text name assigned to the timer.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    The Timer Handle must be initialised as NULL.
int iOSAL_Timer_Create( void** ppvTimerHandle,
                        OSAL_TIMER_CONFIG xTimerConfig,
                        void ( *pvTimerCallback )( void* pvTimerHandle ),
                        const char* pcTimerName );

Delete OSAL Timer


 * @brief   Deletes a Timer, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   ppvTimerHandle Pointer-to-pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Timer Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
 * @note    If successful, the handle will be reset to NULL.
int iOSAL_Timer_Destroy( void** ppvTimerHandle );

Start OSAL Timer


 * @brief   Starts a Timer, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvTimerHandle  Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Timer Handle data type.
 * @param   ulDurationMs   Number of ms until the timer callback is triggered.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Timer_Start( void* pvTimerHandle, uint32_t ulDurationMs );

Stop OSAL Timer


 * @brief   Stops a Timer, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvTimerHandle  Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Timer Handle data type.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Timer_Stop( void* pvTimerHandle );

Reset OSAL Timer


 * @brief   Re-Starts a Timer, to which the handle refers.
 * @param   pvTimerHandle  Pointer that will be cast to appropriate OS Timer Handle data type.
 * @param   ulDurationMs   Number of ms until the timer callback is triggered.
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_INVALID_HANDLE      invalid / un-initialised handle passed into to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Timer_Reset( void* pvTimerHandle, uint32_t ulDurationMs );

Interrupt APIs

Setup OSAL Interrupt


 * @brief   Sets up interrupt handler callback with appropriate interrupt ID
 * @param   ucInterruptID       Interrupt ID (defined in BSP)
 * @param   pvInterruptHandler  Pointer to interrupt handler callback function.
 * @param   pvCallBackRef       Param to be passed into interrupt handler callback function
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Interrupt_Setup( uint8_t ucInterruptID,
                           void    ( *pvInterruptHandler )( void* pvCallBackRef ),
                           void*   pvCallBackRef );

Enable OSAL Interrupt


 * @brief   Enable OSAL interrupts
 * @param   ucInterruptID       Interrupt ID (defined in BSP)
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Interrupt_Enable( uint8_t ucInterruptID );

Disable OSAL Interrupt


 * @brief   Disable OSAL interrupts
 * @param   ucInterruptID       Interrupt ID (defined in BSP)
 * @return  OSAL_ERRORS_NONE                no errors, call was successful
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_PARAMS              invalid parameters passed in to function
 *          OSAL_ERRORS_OS_IMPLEMENTATION   error code returned from os implementation
int iOSAL_Interrupt_Disable( uint8_t ucInterruptID );

Thread safe APIs

Mark the start of critical code region


 * @brief   Mark the start of critical code region.
 * @return  N/A.
void vOSAL_EnterCritical( void );

Mark the end of critical code region


 * @brief   Mark the end of critical code region.
 * @return  N/A.
void vOSAL_ExitCritical( void );

OSAL malloc


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe memory allocation.
 * @param   uint16_t  The number of bytes to allocate.
 * @return  Pointer to the beginning of newly allocated memory.
 *          NULL if unsuccessful.
void* pvOSAL_MemAlloc( uint16_t xSize );

OSAL memset


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe memory set.
 * @param   pvDestination Pointer to the block of memory to be set.
 * @param   iValue        The value to be set.
 * @param   usSize        The number of bytes to be set, to the specified valve.
 * @return  Pointer to the beginning of newly set memory.
 *          NULL if unsuccessful.
void* pvOSAL_MemSet( void* pvDestination, int iValue, uint16_t usSize );

OSAL memcpy


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe memory copy.
 * @param   pvDestination  Pointer to the destination where the content is to be copied.
 * @param   pvSource       Pointer to the source of data to be copied.
 * @param   usSize         The number of bytes to copy.
 * @return  Pointer to the destination where the content is copied.
 *          NULL if unsuccessful.
void* pvOSAL_MemCpy( void* pvDestination, const void* pvSource, uint16_t usSize );

OSAL free


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe memory deallocation.
 * @param   ppv  Pointer-to-pointer to the memory to deallocate.
 * @return  N/A.
 * @note    After free'ing the allocated memory, this function will also
 *          nullify the pointer to the deallocated memory.
void vOSAL_MemFree( void** ppv );

OSAL printf


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe prints.
 * @param   pcFormat  C string that contains the text to be written.
 * @return  N/A.
void vOSAL_Printf( const char* pcFormat, ... );

OSAL getchar


 * @brief   OSAL wrapper for task/thread safe char reading.
 * @return  character read from STDIN.
char cOSAL_GetChar( void );

Debug stats APIs

Clear all stats


 * @brief   Clears debug stats and frees associated memory.
void vOSAL_ClearAllStats( void );



char pcOs[ OSAL_OS_NAME_LEN ] = { 0 };
uint8_t ucVersionMajor = 0;
uint8_t ucVersionMinor = 0;
uint8_t ucVersionBuild = 0;

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_GetOsVersion( pcOs,
                                            &ucVersionBuild) )
    /* Get OS version failed */
    /* Get OS version success */

Scheduler APIs

Start RTOS scheduler example


void* pvMainTaskHandle = NULL;

void vTaskFuncMain( void )
    /* implement main task function  */

/* Start scheduler (with Round Robin Enabled) and create main test task */
                                       1  ) )
    /* Start OS failed */
else if( NULL == pvMainTaskHandle )
    /* Start OS failed */

Get Tick count since scheduler started example


uint32_t UpTimeTicksBeforeSleep = 0;
uint32_t UpTimeTicksAfterSleep = 0;

UpTimeTicksBeforeSleep = ulOSAL_GetUptimeTicks();
iOSAL_Task_SleepTicks( 500 ); /* delay task - 500 Ticks */
UpTimeTicksAfterSleep = ulOSAL_GetUptimeTicks();

Get ms count since scheduler started example


uint32_t UpTimeMsBeforeSleep = 0;
uint32_t UpTimeMsAfterSleep = 0;

UpTimeMsBeforeSleep = ulOSAL_GetUptimeMs();
iOSAL_Task_SleepMs( 5000 ); /* delay task - 2s */
UpTimeMsAfterSleep = ulOSAL_GetUptimeMs();

Task APIs

Create OSAL Task Example


void *pvTaskHandle = NULL;
void *pvArg = NULL; /* set to task argument */

/* Define task function */
void vTaskFunc( void* pvArg )
       /* Task implementation */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Task_Create( &pvTaskHandle, &vTaskFunc, pvArg, 10, 0x1000, "test_task" ) )
    /* task create failed */
else if( NULL == pvTaskHandle )
    /* task create failed */
    /* task create success */

Delete OSAL Task Example


if( OSAL_ERRRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Task_Delete( &pvTaskHandle ) )
    /* task delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvTaskHandle0 )
    /* task delete failed */
    /* task delete success */

Suspend OSAL Task Example


if( OSAL_ERRRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Task_Suspend( pvTaskHandle ) )
    /* task suspend failed */
    /* task suspend success */

Resume OSAL Task Example


if( OSAL_ERRRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Task_Resume(  pvTaskHandle ) )
    /* task resume failed */
    /* task resume success */

OSAL Task Sleep (Ticks)


iOSAL_Task_SleepTicks( 500 ); /* delay main task - 500 Ticks */

OSAL Task Sleep (ms)


iOSAL_Task_SleepMs( 2000 ); /* delay main task - 2s */

Semaphore APIs

Create OSAL Semaphore


static void* pvSemBinaryHandle      = NULL;
static void* pvSemCountingHandle    = NULL;

/* Create Binary Semaphore */
if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Create( &pvSemBinaryHandle,
                                                "Test Binary Semaphore" )  ) {
    /* semaphore create failed */
else if( NULL == pvSemBinaryHandle )
    /* semaphore create failed */
    /* semaphore create success */

/* Create Counting Semaphore */
if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Create( &pvSemCountingHandle,
                                                "Test Binary Semaphore" )  ) {
    /* semaphore create failed */
else if( NULL == pvSemCountingHandle )
    /* semaphore create failed */
    /* semaphore create success */

Delete OSAL Semaphore


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Destroy( &pvSemBinaryHandle ) )
    /* semaphore delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvSemBinaryHandle )
    /* semaphore delete failed */
    /* semaphore delete success */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Destroy( &pvSemCountingHandle ) )
    /* semaphore delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvSemCountingHandle )
    /* semaphore delete failed */
    /* semaphore delete success */

Pend to OSAL Semaphore


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Pend( pvSemBinaryHandle, OSAL_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER ) )
    /* semaphore pend failed */
    /* semaphore pend success */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Pend( pvSemCountingHandle, OSAL_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER ) )
    /* semaphore pend failed */
    /* semaphore pend success */

Post to OSAL Semaphore


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Post( pvSemBinaryHandle ) )
    /* semaphore post failed */
    /* semaphore post success */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Semaphore_Post( pvSemCountingHandle ) )
    /* semaphore post failed */
    /* semaphore post success */

Mutex APIs

Create OSAL Mutex


static void* pvMutexHandle = NULL;

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Mutex_Create( &pvMutexHandle, "test_mutex" ) )
    /* mutex create failed */
else if( NULL == pvMutexHandle )
    /* mutex create failed */
    /* mutex create success */

Delete OSAL Mutex


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Mutex_Destroy( &pvMutexHandle ) )
    /* mutex delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvMutexHandle )
    /* mutex delete failed */
    /* mutex delete success */

Take OSAL Mutex


    /* mutex take failed */
    /* mutex take success */

Release OSAL Mutex


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Mutex_Release( pvMutexHandle ) )
    /* mutex release failed */
    /* mutex release success */

Mailbox APIs

Create OSAL Mailbox


static void* pvMBoxHandle = NULL;
uint32_t ulMBoxLength = 10; /* set to mailbox length */
uint32_t ulItemSize = sizeof( uint32_t ); /* set to item size */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_MBox_Create( &pvMBoxHandle, ulMBoxLength, ulItemSize, "test_mbox" ) )
    /* Mailbox create failed */
else if( NULL == pvMBoxHandle )
    /* Mailbox create failed */
    /* Mailbox create success */

Delete OSAL Mailbox


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_MBox_Destroy( &pvMBoxHandle ) )
    /* Mailbox delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvMBoxHandle )
    /* Mailbox delete failed */
    /* Mailbox delete success */

Pend to OSAL Mailbox


ulRxData = 0;
uint32_t ulTimeoutMs =  2000; /* set to desired timeout (ms) */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_MBox_Pend( pvMBoxHandle, ( void* )&ulRxData, ulTimeoutMs ) )
    /* Mailbox pend failed */
    /* Mailbox pend success */

Post to OSAL Mailbox


static uint32_t ulTxData = 0x12345678; /* set to desired data */

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_MBox_Post( pvMBoxHandle, ( void* )&ulTxData ), OSAL_NO_WAIT )
    /* Mailbox post failed */
    /* Mailbox post success */

Event APIs

Create OSAL Event Group


static void* pvEventFlagHandle = NULL;

/* Create Event Flag Group */
if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_EventFlag_Create( &pvEventFlagHandle, "test_event" ) )
    /* Event Group create failed */
else if( NULL == pvEventFlagHandle )
    /* Event Group create failed */
    /* Event Group create success */

Delete OSAL Event Group


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_EventFlag_Destroy( &pvEventFlagHandle ) )
    /* Event Group delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvEventFlagHandle )
    /* Event Group delete failed */
    /* Event Group delete success */

Pend to OSAL Event Group


#define EVENT_BIT_0 ( 1 << 0 )
#define EVENT_BIT_1 ( 1 << 1 )

/* pend for event bits 0 and 1 */
if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_EventFlag_Pend( pvEventFlagHandle,
                                              ( EVENT_BIT_0 | EVENT_BIT_1 ),
                                              OSAL_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER ) )
    /* Event Group pend failed */
    /* Event Group pend success */

Post to OSAL Event Group


#define EVENT_BIT_0 ( 1 << 0 )
#define EVENT_BIT_1 ( 1 << 1 )

/* Post Event Flag bits 0 and 1 */
if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_EventFlag_Post( pvEventFlagHandle,
                                              ( EVENT_BIT_0 | EVENT_BIT_1 ) ) )
    /* Event Group post failed */
    /* Event Group post success */

Timer APIs

Create OSAL Timer


void* pvTimerHandle = NULL;

void vTimerCallback( void* pvTimerHandle )
    TEST_PRINTF( "Timer Callback Called" );
    iOSAL_Timer_Stop( pvTimerHandle );

if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Timer_Create( &pvTimerHandle,
                                            ( void* )0,
                                            "Timer 1" ) )
    /* Timer create failed */
else if( NULL == pvTimerHandle )
    /* Timer create failed */
    /* Timer create success */

Delete OSAL Timer


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Timer_Destroy( &pvTimerHandle ) )
    /* Timer delete failed */
else if( NULL != pvTimerHandle )
    /* Timer delete failed */
    /* Timer delete success */

Start OSAL Timer


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Timer_Start( pvTimerHandle,
                                           1000 ) )
    /* Timer start failed */
    /* Timer start success */

Stop OSAL Timer


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Timer_Stop( pvTimerHandle ) )
    /* Timer stop failed */
    /* Timer stop success */

Reset OSAL Timer


if( OSAL_ERRORS_NONE != iOSAL_Timer_Reset( pvTimerHandle,
                                           2000 ) )
    /* Timer reset failed */
    /* Timer reset success */

Interrupt APIs

Setup OSAL Interrupt



void vInterruptHandler( void* pvCallBackRef )
    if( NULL != pvCallBackRef )
        /* interrupt handler implementation */

                                               NULL ) )
    /* Interrupt setup failed */
    /* Interrupt setup success */

Enable OSAL Interrupt



    /* Interrupt enable failed */
    /* Interrupt enable success */

Disable OSAL Interrupt



    /* Interrupt disable failed */
    /* Interrupt disable success */

Thread safe APIs

Mark the start of critical code region


/* simply call API where needed. No parameters required */

Mark the end of critical code region


/* simply call API where needed. No parameters required */

OSAL malloc / memset / memcpy / free


/* all OSAL memory functions can be safely called from within tasks */
void vMemoryTaskFunc( void* pvArg )
    /* allocate 5 bytes memory */
    pucMemBuff1 = ( uint8_t* )pvOSAL_MemAlloc( 5*sizeof( uint8_t ) );

    /* store values in memory */
    pucMemBuff1[ 0 ] = 0x11;
    pucMemBuff1[ 1 ] = 0x22;
    pucMemBuff1[ 2 ] = 0x33;
    pucMemBuff1[ 3 ] = 0x44;
    pucMemBuff1[ 4 ] = 0x55;

    /* set memory */
    pvOSAL_MemSet( pucMemBuff1, 0, 5 );

    /* copy memory */
    pvOSAL_MemCpy( pucMemBuff1, pucMemSourceBuff, 5 );

    vOSAL_MemFree( pucMemBuff1 ); /* free allocated memory */
    pucMemBuff1 = NULL; /* nullify pointer */

        iOSAL_Task_SleepMs( 100 );

OSAL printf


/* OSAL printf can be safely called from within tasks */
void vPrintTaskFunc( void* pvArg )
    int* iThisTask = ( int* )( pvArg );

    for( ( *iThisTask ) = 0; ( *iThisTask ) < 5; ( *iThisTask )++ )
        vOSAL_Printf("Print statement %d, from Task 1", ( *iThisTask ) );

        iOSAL_Task_SleepMs( 100 );

OSAL getchar


#define DAL_MAX_INPUT ( 256 )

int  iInputLen = 0;
char cLastChar = '\0';
char pcLastCmd[ DAL_MAX_INPUT ] = { 0 };

while( ( '\r' != cLastChar ) && ( '\n' != cLastChar ) &&
         ( DAL_MAX_INPUT > iInputLen ) )
    cLastChar = cOSAL_GetChar();
    pcLastCmd[ iInputLen++ ] = cLastChar;
    vOSAL_Printf( "%c", cLastChar );

Debug stats APIs

Print all stats


/* specify verbosity level and stats type */

Clear all stats


/* simply call API, no params needed */

Page Revision: v. 64