AVED InBand Telemetry Application


The In-Band Telemetry application handles the events and communication between the Host and the Sensors.

Application External APIs

Initialize the application.

The initialization function takes two parameters:

  • The shared memory address, which is used to populate the sensor responses.

  • The number of sensors in the profile, used internally to dynamically allocate some structures.


 * @brief   Initialise the in band telemetry application layer
 *          used to handle events and communication between the host
 *          and the sensors
 * @param   sharedMemBaseAddr  The base address of the shared memory
 * @param   ucNumSensors       Number of sensors in the profile
 * @return  OK          Success
 *          ERROR       Failure
int iIN_BAND_TELEMETRY_Initialise( uint64_t sharedMemBaseAddr,
                                   uint8_t ucNumSensors );

Clear Statistics

Debug function used to clear the all statistics counters back to zero.


 * @brief   Clear all the stats in the application
 * @return  OK          Stats cleared successfully
 *          ERROR       Stats not cleared successfully
int iIN_BAND_TELEMETRY_ClearStatistics( void );

Internal Design


The list of repo types supported within the in band application.

 * @brief   the repo type




Used to internally store a list of sensors id’s per repo type and associated index into the pxAscData.

 * @brief   List of sensors id's stored per repo type
typedef struct IN_BAND_SENSOR_LIST
    uint8_t ucNumFound;
    uint8_t *pucSensorIndex;
    uint8_t *pucSensorId;


Internal Context

The global data used to store a copy of the ASC data, an internal sensors list per repo and the ASDM table used to form up response back to the AMI proxy.

ASC_PROXY_DRIVER_SENSOR_DATA *pxAscDataA dynamically allocated list of sensors received from the ASC, initially populated during the iIn_BandTelemetryInitialise( ) function
uint8_t ucAscNumSensorsThe number of sensors returned from the ASC, again populated during init
IN_BAND_SENSOR_LIST xSensorList[ AMC_IN_BAND_SUPPORTED_REPO_MAX ]The internal sensor list stored per repo type, contains a list of sensor ids as well as a total per repo
ASDM_SDR *pxAsdmSdrInfoThe dynamically created ASDM table, generated during iInitASDM( )
uint64_t ullSharedMemBaseAddrThe shared memory base address passed into the init
uint32_t ulStatCounters[ IN_BAND_STATS_MAX ]The debug stat counters
uint32_t ulErrorCounters[ IN_BAND_ERRORS_MAX ]The debug error counters
int iInitialisedA flag used once initialization has completed successfully

iIn_BandTelemetryInitialise Function

This function:

  • Creates a mutex to protect access to the internally stored ASDM.

  • Dynamically allocates memory to store data obtained from the ASC Proxy.

  • Calls the ASC proxy to get a list of sensors to build up the initial ASDM table.

  • Builds up the internal ASDM.

  • Binds into the ASC to get sensor events.

  • Binds into the AMI to get sensor requests from the host.


iInitAsdm Function

This function dynamically creates and populates the pxAsdmSdrInfo which is stored within the global context.

The ASDM (Alveo Sensor Data Model) consists of:

  • Header

  • Number of SDR’s

  • End of Record

iAscCallback Function

This function is bound into the callback from the ASC Proxy to listen for the ‘ASC_PROXY_DRIVER_E_SENSOR_UPDATE_COMPLETE’ event.

Once received it calls back into the ASC to get the latest sensor values and uses this to update the internal ASDM calling iUpdateAsdmValues( ).

iAmiCallback Function

This function is the bound in callback from the AMI Proxy to listen for the ‘AMI_PROXY_DRIVER_E_SENSOR_READ’ event.

When received, the application will call back into the AMI proxy to get the data associated with the request.

The request type (below) is then used to form up the response back from the internal ASDM table.

AMI Proxy Request TypeIn Band handling functionDescription
AMI_PROXY_CMD_SENSOR_REQUEST_GET_SIZE iPopulateAsdmGetSizeResponse( )Return the size of the SDR, including Header, Sensor Records and End of Repo marker

Return the entire SDR – Header, Sensor Records and End of Repo marker


Return the instantaneous sensor data based on the input sensor ID

AMI_PROXY_CMD_SENSOR_REQUEST_ALL_SDRiPopulateAsdmGetAllSensorDataResponse( )

Return the instantaneous sensor data for all sensors in a given SDR

iUpdateAsdmValues Function

The function is called from within the ASC callback whenever a sensor update complete event is received.

Within mutex protection it loops around the internal sensor list and updates the sensor value to the latest based on the data received from the ASC proxy.

Page Revision: v. 24