Build the resize kernel.

Important: Replace the files

  • Replace the smartcamera kv260/overlays/examples/smartcam/Makefile with resizing kernel Makefile.  The default makefile contains sources to the DPU and the image pre-processing kernel. Replacing the makefile and system configuration builds only the Image resize kernel.  Run the below command to compile and build the resize application.

cd ..
cp ../../../../../../code_repo_kria_vitis_acceleration_flow_2022.1/image_resizing/vitis_platform_files/Makefile .
cd ../../../
make overlay OVERLAY=smartcam

The above makefile use the following command to compile the resize kernel

v++ -t hw --platform kv260_ispMipiRx_vcu_DP -c -k pp_pipeline_accel -I $(XFOPENCV_INCDIR) -o'pp_pipeline_accel.xo' ./xf_pp_pipeline_accel.cpp

The above makefile use the following command to link the resize kernel to create a device executable (.xclbin):

v++ -t hw --platform kv260_ispMipiRx_vcu_DP --save-temps --config ${DIR_PRJ}/prj_conf/prj_config_1 -l --temp_dir binary_container_1 --log_dir binary_container_1/logs --remote_ip_cache binary_container_1/ip_cache 

The generated bitfile and  dpu.xclbin will be located at the following location

ls overlays/examples/smartcam/binary_container_1/link/int/system.bit   
ls overlays/examples/smartcam/binary_container_1/dpu.xclbin

The generated Vivado project will be located at. You can open the Vivado project to see how to resize the kernel that is connected to the system.

cd overlays/examples/smartcam/binary_container_1/link/vivado/vpl/prj

vivado prj.xpr

Next steps

This completes the Vitis Compile and Link. The next step is the Overview of VVAS plugins.