Build RPM and DEB packages



The steps Fill platform definition JSON, Build RPM and DEB packages and Complete checklist are part of an iterative process and are inter-linked.

  1. You need first to create an initial valid package by using the default pre-canned tests templates and Platform definition JSON file template: xbtest_pfm_def_template.json (along with the xclbin).

  2. You’ll use this initial package to fill the checklist. The checklist will guide you:

  3. Re-package your xclbin, Platform definition JSON file: xbtest_pfm_def.json (and potentially pre-canned test JSON files).

    • Finalize the last step of the checklist (actual results of the pre-canned tests).

After following the steps specified in previous chapters, you can generate the RPM and DEB HW packages using the rpm_generate workflow.

A HW package is composed by:

  • xclbin: it contains various Compute Unit (CU). It’s the CU which will test and check the performance of your platform in tandem with xbtest SW.

  • Platform definition JSON file: it describes to xbtest SW what your platform is capable of. It also includes limits and settings to show case the highest performances of the platform.

  • test folder: it contains a series of pre-canned tests JSON.

    • You’ll use them to characterize your platform (limits and performance settings).

    • These tests can be used by any user as template.

You must provide these files to the rpm_generate workflow using command line option --include_dir.

  • Except for the pre-canned tests if you’re using the default ones.

The workflow allows you to:

  • Name/version your package.

  • Create dependencies toward specific deployment platform (name & version).


You need to:


The instructions below are valid if you follow the default directory structure.

Copy xclbin and xbtest_pfm_def.json

Once the xclbin is successfully generated, copy the xclbin from the xclbin_generate workflow (see Build xclbin).

  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

  • <deploy_platform> is the deployment platform named <deploy_name>-<deploy_version> (e.g. xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3).

  • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.

Create the following directories:

$ mkdir -p <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/include/<deploy_platform>/xclbin
$ mkdir -p <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/include/<deploy_platform>/dcps

Copy platform definition JSON file:

$ cp path/to/updated/xbtest_pfm_def.json \

If you’ve updated any of the pre-canned tests:

$ cp path/to/ALL/pre_canned_test.json \


If you decide to modify in any manner any of the pre-canned test JSON files, you must include all needed tests when creating the packages (including the un-modified ones).

Copy xclbin:

$ cp <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/<project_name>.xclbin \

Copy final DCP. For example:

$ cp <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/vpp_link/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/level0_wrapper_postroute_physopt.dcp \


Copying DCP is optional but it is recommended to save it somewhere (as it may useful for any analysis of the xclbin).

The DCP won’t be included in the package.

rpm_generate workflow input and output products

The required structure and file naming of the rpm_generate workflow input products and location of output products is detailed in following table:

  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <deploy_name> is the deployment platform name provided with command line option --deploy_name (e.g. xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base).

  • <deploy_version> is the deployment platform version provided with command line option --deploy_version (e.g. 3).

  • <deploy_platform> is the deployment platform named <deploy_name>-<deploy_version> (e.g. xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3).

  • <pkg_release> is the xbtest package release version provided with command line option --pkg_release (e.g. 1).

rpm_generate workflow input and output products

File/directory name



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Input products





xclbin copied from xclbin_generate output products.



Platform definition JSON file updated after completing checklist.




Pre-canned tests JSON files.


Do not include any tests if you’re using default pre-canned tests.

























Output products




DEB package (Ubuntu).



RPM package (CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE).

The rpm_generate workflow generates the following packages when running on:

  • CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE: RPM package named xbtest-<deploy_name>-<deploy_version>-6.0-<pkg_release>.noarch.rpm

  • Ubuntu: DEB package named xbtest-<deploy_name>-<deploy_version>_6.0-<pkg_release>_all.deb


  • <deploy_name> is the deployment platform name provided with command line option --deploy_name (e.g. xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base).

  • <deploy_version> is the deployment platform version provided with command line option --deploy_version (e.g. 3).

  • <pkg_release> is the xbtest package release version provided with command line option --pkg_release (e.g. 1).


The rpm_generate workflow uses values provided with options --deploy_name and --deploy_version to add a dependency to the generated package.

When installing the generated package on the deployment host, the deployment platform package named <deploy_name> and version equal to <deploy_version> must be already installed on the host.

The option --dependency allows to specify additional dependencies to the generated package.


The rpm_generate workflow uses the following command to detect the ID of the OS distribution:

$ lsb_release -is

The supported values returned by this command are CentOS, RedHatEnterprise, SUSE and Ubuntu.

rpm_generate workflow command line options

The rpm_generate workflow supports the following command line options described in next sections. You can always refer to the help of the workflow for a quick summary of the various options. Each option can be specified fully or in short manner.

-h, –help: Display help

-h, --help

Display rpm_generate workflow help message.

-V, –verbose: Enable verbosity

-V, --verbose

Turn on verbosity.

-n, –deploy_name: Define deployment platform name

-n <name>, --deploy_name <name>

Mandatory. Deployment platform name, e.g. xilinx-u50-gen3x4-xdma-base.

-m, –deploy_version: Define deployment platform version

-m <version>, --deploy_version <version>

Mandatory. Deployment platform version, e.g. 2.

-i, –include_dir: Select include directory

-i <dir>, --include_dir <dir>

Include directory: location of files to be included in package (xclbin, Platform definition JSON file: xbtest_pfm_def.json and pre-canned test JSON files).

Default: ./include/<deploy_name>-<deploy_version>.


If this directory does not contain any test folder, then you are using default pre-canned tests.

-r, –pkg_release: Provide package release

-r <rel>, --pkg_release <rel>

Package release. Default 1.

-D / –-dependency: Provide dependency

-D <dep>, --dependency <dep>

Provide additional dependencies to be added to the generated RPM/DEB package metadata. A version requirement can be specified with an operator.

Dependencies must be specified with valid:

  • For CentOS / Red Hat: RPM SPEC file format (see directive Requires).

  • For Ubuntu: DEB CONTROL file format (see tag Depends).

For example, you can specify a dependency with specific package (xilinx-u50lv-gen3x4-xdma-base), version (2) and release (123456) with the following command:

  • For CentOS / Red Hat:

    $ python3 --dependency "xilinx-u50lv-gen3x4-xdma-base=2-123456" --deploy_name xilinx-u50lv-gen3x4-xdma-base --deploy_version 2
  • For Ubuntu:

    $ python3 --dependency "xilinx-u50lv-gen3x4-xdma-base (= 2-123456)" --deploy_name xilinx-u50lv-gen3x4-xdma-base --deploy_version 2

This option can be provided multiple times in the command line.

-o, –output_dir: Provide output directory

-o <dir>, --output_dir <dir>

Path to the output directory. Default: ./output/<date>_<time>/.

-f, –force: Force an operation

-f, --force

Override output directory if already existing.

-v, –version: Display version

-v, --version

Display rpm_generate workflow version.

Run rpm_generate Workflow

rpm_generate is a python workflow to run with python3.

You must run this workflow per OS you want to release an HW package for:

  • On CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE to generate the RPM package.

  • On Ubuntu to generate the DEB package.

Make sure you have completed the checklist which might require re-generating the RPM/DEB packages.

Use the following commands to generate the RPM/DEB:

  1. Move to rpm_generate sources directory:

    $ cd <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate
  2. Generate RPM/DEB package either:

    • Using default option --include_dir:

      $ python3 --deploy_name <deploy_name> --deploy_version <deploy_version>

      For example, for u50:

      $ python3 --deploy_name xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base --deploy_version 3

      This command generates the following package when run on:

      • CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE: xbtest-xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3-6.0-1.noarch.rpm

      • Ubuntu: xbtest-xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3_6.0-1.deb

    • Providing option --include_dir:

      $ python3 --deploy_name <deploy_name> --deploy_version <deploy_version> --include_dir path/to/another/include/directory
    • Specifying a package release with option --pkg_release:

      $ python3 --pkg_release <pkg_release> --deploy_name <deploy_name> --deploy_version <deploy_version>

      For example, for u250 providing a package release:

      $ python3 --pkg_release 123456 --deploy_name xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-shell --deploy_version 4.1

      This command generates the following package when run on:

      • CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE: xbtest-xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-shell-4.1-6.0-123456.noarch.rpm

      • Ubuntu: xbtest-xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-shell-4.1_6.0-123456_all.deb

This workflow will create a run directory per RPM/DEB build: <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/output/<date>_<time>. The generated output RPM/DEB packages will be moved to <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate directory.

At the end of the RPM/DEB generation, rpm_generate workflow output contains [GEN_RPM-40] message, like the following:

STATUS: [GEN_RPM-33] *** [2021-10-11, 11:18:02] Starting step: generate RPM package
STATUS: [GEN_RPM-34] Executing: $ rpmbuild --verbose --define _topdir <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/output/2021-10-11_11-18-02 -bb <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/output/2021-10-11_11-18-02/SPECS/specfile.spec
STATUS: [GEN_RPM-34] Log file: <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/output/2021-10-11_11-18-02/rpmbuild.log
STATUS: [GEN_RPM-35] ************************** End of step. Elapsed time: 0:00:08

INFO: [GEN_RPM-39] Package generated successfully: <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/output/2021-10-11_11-18-02/RPMS/noarch/xbtest-xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3-6.0-1.noarch.rpm
INFO: [GEN_RPM-40] Copy output package: <xbtest_build>/rpm_generate/xbtest-xilinx-u55c-gen3x16-xdma-base-3-6.0-1.noarch.rpm
INFO: [GEN_RPM-8] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [GEN_RPM-8] [2021-10-11, 11:18:10] END. Total Elapsed Time: 0:00:27
INFO: [GEN_RPM-8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------