Configure xclbin


To configure an xclbin, you need to:

The Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json is provided to the xclbin_generate workflow:


Wizard configuration

The actual wizard configuration of the xclbin (saved in file named wizard_actual_config.json) is a merge between:

  • Auto wizard configuration: what the platform is capable of.

    • This is automatically generated based on the Platform metadata.

    • This configuration is saved in file called wizard_auto_config.json.

  • Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json: what you want in the xclbin.

    • You can overwrite any of the auto-configured settings.

    • A copy is saved in file called wizard_user_config.json.

These 3 files are in:

  • <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/


    • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

    • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

    • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.

These configuration JSON files have the same structure:


Any default settings can be overwritten inside the xclbin_configuration section

Platform metadata

xbtest uses the following Vitis™ command to generate a platform metadata JSON file:

  • If .xpfm file is provided

    $ platforminfo -p path/to/your/platform.xpfm -j hardwarePlatform -o <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/platforminfo.json
  • If .xsa file is provided

    $ platforminfo -p path/to/your/platform/hw.xsa -o <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/platforminfo.json


The platform metadata JSON file is saved in <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/platforminfo.json.


  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

  • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.

The following information is extracted from the platform metadata JSON:

  • uniqueName

  • extensions

    • xclbin.append_sections.partition_metadata.interfaces[0].interface_uuid

    • raptor2

      • part

      • slrs

      • resources

        • <memory_type> where <memory_type> is PLRAM, DDR, HBM or HOST.

          • sptag

          • index

          • slr

        • gts.<gt_idx> where <gt_idx> is 0, 1, …

          • gt_serial_port

          • diff_clocks

          • slr_assignment

          • gt_type

          • gt_group_select

If one of the expected information is not present in your platform metadata, you’ll have to define everything in the Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.


Do not confuse this platform metadata with xbtest platform definition.

  • The first one is linked to the .xpfm file present in the development platform package. This file contains platform metadata including information on interface, clock, valid SLRs, allocated resources and memory. This info is required to build xbtest xclbin.

  • The second is the Platform definition JSON file: xbtest_pfm_def.json which describes to xbtest SW how to use the xclbin (see Fill platform definition JSON).

Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json

This file is used as input of the xclbin_generate workflow which creates the xclbin (see Build xclbin). It defines which CUs are present in the xclbin (quantity, localization and some basic configuration).

This JSON file consists of a list of configurations. Each one describes the content of a xclbin.

This file contains multiple sections:

  • default: section used to define parameters values used for all configurations (see default section)

    • Most of the parameters are automatically extracted from the Platform metadata.

    • Overwrite (or add) parameter of the platform definition.

  • xclbin_configuration: sections defining various configuration.

    • Any configuration names are allowed. It’s at build time that you select which xclbin you want to generate via the xclbin_generate command line option --wizard_config_name.

    • CU selections: power, memory, GT_MAC, GT_PRBS and GT_LPBK.


      To test the GT, we recommend using GT_MAC. If there is not enough resource in the FPGA for multiple of them, we suggest using GT_PRBS as it doesn’t require a traffic source.

    • Extra CU configuration: any default settings can be overwritten.


      We recommend to name xbtest_stress, the configuration used to generate the delivered xclbin.

This page will guide you through the creation of Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json step by step. Starting by the default section then walk you through all supported CU.

This page also contains Wizard configuration examples for different platforms. Further you’ll find the complete definition of all supported parameters.

You should use and update the Wizard configuration JSON file template: wizard_cfg.json generated during the initialization phase.

default section

In this section, you will be able to:

  1. Define where to find power CU floorplan sources.

  2. Include link to Vitis™ configuration.

  3. Overwrite (or add) the definition of the platform:

    • Clock: by default, xbtest uses 2 clocks:

      • 300 MHz: AXI infrastructure.

      • 500 MHz: power CU.

    • PLRAM: location (SLR) & selection (multiple PLRAM could be present within the same SLR).

      • Each CU requires a PLRAM connection. To optimize performance, you need to connect the CU to the PLRAM of the same SLR.

    • Location of CU: SLR selection.

    • GT connections: reference clock and port.

    • Memory CU configuration:

      • Connections to the platform memory infrastructure: sptag.

      • Type: single/multi-channel.

      • AXI4 configuration: data size, thread, max supported outstanding transaction.

You only need to overwrite parameter if they are not defined as expected in the platform information.

Link to the power CU floorplan sources and Vitis configuration are defined in the build section, while platform & cu_configuration can be used to overwrite (or define) platform and CU settings:


With Versal device, the default clock settings should be updated to maximize the AIEngine power consumption (see clock: Clock speed).

platform parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

The following table describes the parameters supported under the platform node of the Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.

platform parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

Node name



FPGA part number.


XSA name.


XSA interface UUID. See interface_uuid: Platform interface UUID dependency.


Set to true for NoDMA platform so the DMA pre-canned test will not be included by default.

Possible values: true or false.

Defaults to: false.


Indicate if the platform supports P2P. When set to true, the P2P pre-canned tests will be included in the definition of default pre-canned tests.

Possible values: true or false.

Defaults to: true.


Number of available board MAC addresses. See mac_addresses_available: Available board MAC addresses.

Possible values: default or positive integer.

Defaults to: default.



GT index. See gt: GT platform definition.


SLR assignment of the GT. GT capable CU will be assigned to the SLR.

Possible values: SLR<x> format where <x> is the SLR index.


Type of GT.

Possible values: GTM or GTY

Defaults to: GTY when gt_type not defined in Platform metadata.


GT group (Quad) assignment

mac_addresses_available: Available board MAC addresses

When mac_addresses_available is:

  • set to default or greater than the maximum number of necessary MAC addresses for all GT_MAC CUs (1 address per lane for each GT_MAC CU), then all lanes of all GTs are used in the GT pre-canned tests.

  • else, then the GT pre-canned tests will be automatically updated based on the number of available board MAC addresses. Some lanes are assigned with an available board MAC address and other lanes are disabled.

    • gt_mac.json: One MAC address is assigned for each lane of each GT_MAC CU (GT[0].lane[0], GT[1].lane[0], GT[0].lane[1], GT[1].lane[1], etc).

    • gt_mac_lpbk.json: Similar to gt_mac.json.

    • switch_25gbe.json: MAC addresses are assigned for each lane pair of each GT_MAC CU (GT[0].lane[0/1], GT[1].lane[0/1], GT[0].lane[2/3], GT[1].lane[2/3], etc).

    • switch_10gbe.json: Similar to switch_25gbe.json.

    • stress.json: Similar to switch_25gbe.json.

    • gt_mac_port_to_port.json: MAC addresses are assigned for each lane connection between two GT_MAC CUs (GT[0/1].lane[0], GT[0/1].lane[1], etc).

interface_uuid: Platform interface UUID dependency

xbtest SW requires the interface UUID defined in the xclbin user metadata to select the compatible xclbin from provided BDF.

By default, it is automatically extracted from the Platform metadata. If not defined in the platform metadata, the xclbin_generate workflow will extract it from the xclbin and insert it to the xclbin metadata.

If needed, the interface UUID can also be defined in Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json before generating the xclbin.

gt: GT platform definition

In this section, you can overwrite the FPGA part or the GT location. If the platform metadata is defined as expected, you should not use this section.

If your platform doesn’t contain the GT definition, here is an example of how to declare 2 GTs. The configuration syntax uses a GT-based indexation.

"platform": {
  "gt": {
    "0": {
      "group_select": ["Quad_X0Y11"],
      "type": "GTY",
      "slr": "SLR2"
    "1": {
      "group_select": ["Quad_X0Y10"],
      "type": "GTY",
      "slr": "SLR2"

build Parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

In this required section, you specify the directory location of:

The xclbin_generate workflow copies the files in the configuration directory into the run directory. It is recommended to set all paths in the configuration relatively to the xclbin_generate output directory so xbtest_wizard and Vitis can use these local copies instead of the source files directly.


In Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json, use relative path to run directory: ../

"build": {
  "pwr_floorplan_dir" : "../pwr_cfg",
  "vpp_options_dir" : "../vpp_cfg"

The following table describes the parameters supported under the build node of the Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.

build parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

Node name



Directory where the floorplan sources of the power CUs are located (see Define power CU floorplan):

  • dynamic_geometry.json.

  • utilization.json.

  • invalid.json (optional).

Note that the power floorplan sources are not processed/checked if no power cu was selected in cu_selection.

Build stops after opt design phase if dynamic_geometry.json or utilization.json does not exist.


Specify additive INI file for v++ processing. See Configure Vitis.

Vitis options file: vpp.ini file must exist within directory.

Use with caution as any parameter in this file could overwrite a parameter set by xbtest in the generated vpp_link.ini.


Enable display of power floorplan. See Define power CU floorplan.

If set to true, power floorplan is generated during example design generation, and a Vivado project is generated which can be used to display power floorplan. This option is available only if power CUs are being generated.

Possible values: true or false.

Defaults to: false.


Select the file type of Vitis linker output. See vpp_link_output: Vitis linker output.

Possible values: default, xclbin or xsa.

Defaults to: default.

cu_configuration parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

Unless your platform is not defined as expected, nearly the entire cu_configuration will be auto-configured based on the Platform metadata.

This automatically filled cu_configuration is saved into <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/wizard_auto_config.json (see HW build workflows overview).


  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

  • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.

If something is not defined as expected, or you simply want to overwrite the default behaviour, this section explains the various options available.

The following table describes the parameters supported under the cu_configuration node of the Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.

cu_configuration parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

Node name




Clock index. See clock: Clock speed.

Possible values: 0 or 1.


Value of the clock frequency in MHz:

  • For <clk_idx> = 0: ap_clk clock frequency. Defaults to: 300 Mhz.

  • For <clk_idx> = 1: ap_clk_2 clock frequency. Defaults to: 500 Mhz.

Possible values: in [200 ; 650].



Define the PLRAM sptag to use for the CU located in SLR <SLRx>. See plram_selection: PLRAM connections.

Algorithm selects the first PLRAM found in each SLR for this mapping. This can be overwritten for example if the user wants to use the PLRAM from another SLR.

Possible values: SLR<x> format for the keys where <x> is the SLR index.



SLR index. See power: Power CU configuration.

Possible values: integers.


Mode of the clock throttling module of the power CU.


Defaults to: default.



GT index. See gt: Configure GT CUs (GT_MAC, GT_LPBK & GT_PRBS).

Possible values: integers.


GT diff clocks assignment.


GT serial port assignment.



GT index. See gt: Configure GT MAC CU.

Possible values: integers.


IP used in the GT_MAC compute unit.

Possible values: xxv or xbtest_sub_xxv_gt.

Defaults to: xxv.


When set to true, the GT_MAC CU will support RS FEC.

Possible values: true or false.

Defaults to: false.



Name of the memory type. See memory: Configure memory CU.



Memory target used for the memory CU configuration.

Possible values: board or host.

Defaults to: host for HOST memory type, else board.


AXI data size in bits of each port for each memory CU.

Possible values: 512, 256, 128 or 64.

Defaults to: 512.


Maximum quantity of AXI ID threads of each ports for each memory CU. The CU will rotate the ID between each transfer.

Possible values: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.

Defaults to: 1.


The AXI protocol includes AXI ID transaction identifiers. A master can use these to identify separate transactions that must be returned in order.

All transactions with a given AXI ID value must remain ordered, but there is no restriction on the ordering of transactions with different ID values. This means a single physical port can support out-of-order transactions by acting as a number of logical ports, each of which handles its transactions in order.

By using AXI IDs, a master can issue transactions without waiting for earlier transactions to complete. This can improve system performance, because it enables parallel processing of transactions.


Maximum quantity of AXI outstanding transactions of each port for each memory CU.

Possible values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.

Defaults to: 32.



Memory CU specific configuration.

  • For single-channel: Multiple CU can be specified.

  • For multi-channel: Only one CU can be specified.


To override one parameter for one CU, the new specific configuration for all CUs must be specified.


SLR assignment of memory CU.

Possible values: SLR<x> format where <x> is the SLR index.


List of sptags to be used for each channel memory CU.

  • For single-channel: Only one sptag can be specified.

  • For multi-channel: Multiple sptag can be specified.


See verify: Configure verify CU.


Define SLR location of the verify CU.

Possible values: SLR<x> format where <x> is the SLR index.

By default: based on CONFIG_SITE definition in dynamic_geometry.json.


Select to access or not the CONFIG_SITE of the platform.

Possible values: true or false.

Defaults to: based on CONFIG_SITE definition in dynamic_geometry.json.

power: Power CU configuration

The configuration parameter throttle_mode selects the way all resources included in the power CU are used (clocked/controlled).

To consume as much power as possible, the power CU resources are running on the fast clock ap_clk_2 (default frequency of 500 MHz). There are 2 ways to control the power consumed (selection is based on the clocking infrastructure of the platform):

  1. Throttling the clock (default and preferable method).

  2. Throttling the input CE of each resource macro.

For multi SLR FPGA only, throttling can also be coming from another Power CU. This reduces pressure on the clocking structure of the FPGA as only one Power CU contains the throttling mechanism and all other CUs are cascaded from it. The throttle logic doesn’t necessarily need to be in SLR0.

AIEngine can’t currently be cascaded across multi-SLR.

The following figure shows the different ways of controlling the power CU resources. The description of the throttling mechanism is beyond the scope of this documentation.


Power throttle

All of these resulting in the following modes of configuration for a Power CU.

Power CU throttle mode description

Throttle mode


Power CU


Clock throttling generated in the power CU.



Clock throttling coming from another power CU (only possible in multi SLR FPGA).



CE throttling generated in the power CU.



CE throttling coming from another power CU (only possible in multi SLR FPGA).



Whatever the configuration selected for each power CU, the SW always controls them all together in identical manner.

The wizard will interconnect all cascaded power CUs with their respective source via the Generated Vitis options file: vpp_link.ini:

  • All destination EXTERNAL_CLK to a single source INTERNAL_CLK.

  • All destination EXTERNAL_MACRO to a single source INTERNAL_CLK.

By default, the wizard will auto-configure the throttle mode of the Power CU with lower index SLR as containing the throttle mechanism (INTERNAL_CLK) and all other CUs are hooked to it (EXTERNAL_CLK).

If the default configuration is not suitable (e.g. you want to move the source power CU into another SLR), you only need to define the source. The wizard recognizes the first INTERNAL defined and automatically selects EXTERNAL for all other SLR. If you defined multiple INTERNAL, the wizard would use the lowest index as source for all EXTERNAL. Alternatively, you can also define all power CU as INTERNAL (meaning that each of them includes its throttle mechanism).

In case of mixed configuration (CLK and MACRO), it’s recommended to list all SLR and their respective configuration. If needed, you can also Overwrite cascaded power CU connectivity.

The following table presents different examples of throttle mode configuration considering a FPGA with 4 SLRs (SLR0, SLR1, SLR2 and SLR3):

Power CU throttle mode examples



Wizard configuration JSON file


Default cascade

By default, power CUs in:

  • SLR1, SLR2 and SLR3 are cascaded (EXTERNAL_CLK).

  • SLR0 is the source (INTERNAL_CLK).

No configuration required


Default cascade

Cascade with CLK throttle

You can set the source power CU in another SLR.

In this example, power CUs in:

  • SLR0, SLR1 and SLR3 are cascaded (EXTERNAL_CLK).

  • SLR2 is the source (INTERNAL_CLK).


The wizard recognizes that you’ve got only one source defined and automatically selects EXTERNAL_CLK for all other SLR.

"cu_configuration" : {
  "power" : {
    "2" : {
      "throttle_mode": "INTERNAL_CLK"

Cascade with CLK throttle

Cascade with CE throttle

You can change the type of throttle mode.

In this example, power CUs in:

  • SLR0, SLR2 and SLR3 are cascaded (EXTERNAL_MACRO).

  • SLR1 is the source (INTERNAL_MACRO).


The wizard recognizes that you’ve got only one source defined and automatically selects EXTERNAL_MACRO for all other SLR.

"cu_configuration" : {
  "power" : {
    "1" : {
      "throttle_mode": "INTERNAL_MACRO"

Cascade with CE throttle

Mixed Control:

  • not recommended

You can mix the throttling control mode but you have to connect clock/CE signals accordingly in your Vitis options file: vpp.ini.

In this example, power CUs in:

  • SLR0 (source) and SLR2 are paired: CE throttling.

  • SLR1 (source) and SLR3 are paired: CLK throttling.

"cu_configuration" : {
  "power" : {
    "0" : {
      "throttle_mode": "INTERNAL_MACRO"
    "1" : {
      "throttle_mode": "INTERNAL_CLK"
    "2" : {
      "throttle_mode": "EXTERNAL_MACRO"
    "3" : {
      "throttle_mode": "EXTERNAL_CLK"

Mixed control


Your shell may also include another clock throttling capability. It is a safety feature which slows down all clocks going to all CU when the FPGA power is getting closer to its limits. This is independent to the clock_throttle block used internally by the power CU.

gt: Configure GT CUs (GT_MAC, GT_LPBK & GT_PRBS)

These 3 CUs depend on the GT location (see platform parameters of wizard configuration JSON file) but also on its connections. The GT macro has 2 reference input clocks and 1 data port interface.

Whatever CU is connected to the GT, you may have to select the GT reference clock. You may potentially also select the platform data port if it is not defined (see Platform metadata).

  • Expected location: hardwarePlatforms.hardwarePlatform.extensions.raptor2.resources.gts.<gt_idx>


Ideally GT_MAC CU should be used, but if there is not enough resource in the FPGA, it’s recommended to use GT_PRBS (as it doesn’t require any traffic source).

The configuration syntax uses the GT-based indexation. Here is an example of GT ref clock and data port definition

"cu_configuration": {
  "gt": {
    "0": {
      "serial_port": ["io_gt_qsfp_00"],
      "diff_clocks": ["io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"]

Once the GT is defined, you can now define the CU.

gt: Configure GT MAC CU

The GT_MAC has 2 configurations:

  • RS-FEC.

  • Sub IP selection.

GT MAC CU uses and requires license for Xilinx® LogiCORE™ IP 10G/25G Ethernet solution (XXV). Depending on the FPGA used, this IP contains or not the GT macro.

If the GT macro is not part of XXV Ethernet, you need more than this IP alone. A Sub-system is provided in xbtest HW sources and you’ll have to select it by setting the parameter ip_sel.

GT_MAC CU IP selection

Mode selection



Use XXV Ethernet LogiCore contains the GT macro.

  • Default.


Use a sub-system containing the XXV Ethernet and the GT macro.

By default, the RS-FEC is not included. Only include it if needed as it uses a lot of logic (40k FF and 50k LUT) and may impeach timing closure of the xclbin by setting the parameter enable_rsfec.

GT_MAC CU RS-FEC selection

Mode selection



Don’t include RS-FEC.

  • Default.


Include RS-FEC.


GT_LPBK & GT_PRBS CUs have no configuration.

The configuration syntax uses the GT-based indexation:

"cu_configuration": {
  "gt_mac": {
    "0": {
      "ip_sel": "xxv",
      "enable_rsfec": false

memory: Configure memory CU

There are 2 sets of settings for the memory type:

  • Physical: memory type/location and AXI4 configuration.

  • CU-related: multi/single-channel CU location and how CU ports are connected to the memory:

Physical configuration

Per memory type, the physical configuration parameters are defined in global section. It defines the memory CU AXI4 settings and where the memory is located: on board (for example: DDR, HBM) or on the host.

"global" : {
  "target"          : "board",
  "axi_data_size"   : 512,
  "axi_id_threads"  : 1,
  "axi_outstanding" : 32

verify: Configure verify CU

The verify CU is always present in the xclbin and includes the following hardware safety mechanisms:

  • Watchdog: Stops all CUs after a programmable delay (default 15 seconds) in the case of the application software failing to perform the watchdog reset.

  • Status Register:

    • Detects and prevents multiple instances of application software trying to control/access the same Alveo™ card.

    • Detects if CU clocks have been throttled down. CU Clocks could have been slowed down automatically to prevent over-powering the card. Slower clock will affect test results.

  • DNA : Reports the FPGA DNA value. It uses the DNA_PORT2 of CONFIG_SITE macro (see Vivado Partial Reconfiguration (UG909)). The location (SLR) of this CONFIG_SITE is automatically detected when creating the power floorplan (see Initialize power floorplan sources) and added to the dynamic_geometry.json.


    In case of multi SLR, only the first CONFIG_SITE found will be listed. This will dictate the SLR location of the verify CU.

If a CONFIG_SITE is available in various SLR in your platform, you can overwrite the default SLR selection. This will move the verify CU in the selected SLR. If no CONFIG_SITE is not available in your platform, you can manually disable the DNA read, but the verify CU will still be present in your xclbin.

"verify" : {
    "slr": "SLR2",
    "dna_read": false

clock: Clock speed

xbtest uses 2 clocks:

xbtest clocks


Wizard index

Vitis name

Default frequency





300 MHz

CU <-> memory connection (DDR/HBM/PLRAM/HOST)




500 MHz

Only used by power CU. Fast clock to consume as much power as possible

It’s possible to change their default value.

With Versal board, the AIEngine are used to consume power. The power of AIEngine is controlled by the quantity of data passing through them. The data are generated on the ap_clk.

To maximize the power consumption, the data rate generation should be aligned with the maximum data throughput of the AIEngine.

The AIEngine throughput is depending on their operational frequency (typically 1250MHz, but you need to check your platform settings)

\[\frac{ AIE\ frequency * AIE\ data\ width } { Data\ generator\ width } = \frac{ 12500\ MHz * 32\ bits } { 128\ bits } = 312.5\ MHz\]


Increasing ap_clk clock frequency too much may have an adverse impact on timing closure, as this clock is used by all CUs.


By default, you should not need to define any clock settings unless you’re using AIEngine.

Default clock configuration

"cu_configuration": {
  "clock": {
    "0": {
      "freq": 300
    "1": {
      "freq": 500

Versal Board clock configuration

For Versal, note that:

  • ap_clk is updated to match AIEngine data rate.

  • ap_clk_2 can be also increased.

"cu_configuration": {
  "clock": {
    "0": {
      "freq": 313
    "1": {
      "freq": 600

plram_selection: PLRAM connections

By default, a CU is connected to the first (lower index) PLRAM available in the SLR. If the FPGA is 1 SLR, it still may have multiple PLRAM. All CUs within a SLR are connected to the same PLRAM.

With this configuration, you’ll be able to select which PLRAM is used for each given SLR. It also means that all CU present in the SLR will be connected to the selected PLRAM.

If the selected PLRAM could be in another SLR, this will reduce the Memory Sub-System logic present in the CU SLR but increase cross SLR logic/routing.


By default, you should not need to define any PLRAM selection as this is extracted from the Platform metadata.

You need to create a mapping between slr and (sptag & index).

For example, if a FPGA has 4 SLRs with 2 PLRAM per SLR, then normally CU will use PRLAM[0/2/4/6]. If you want to force SLR0 to use the second PLRAM, you need to map (from Platform metadata)

  • slr (SLR0), sptag (PLRAM) and index (1).

The following shows how to use the second PLRAM of SLR0:

"cu_configuration": {
  "plram_selection": {
    "SLR3": "PLRAM[6]",
    "SLR2": "PLRAM[4]",
    "SLR1": "PLRAM[2]",
    "SLR0": "PLRAM[1]"

cu_selection Parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

The following table describes the parameters supported under the cu_selection node of the Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.

cu_selection parameters of wizard configuration JSON file

Node name



Select power CUs to be included specifying list of SLR indexes.

Possible values: <slr_idx> in cu_configuration.power.

Defaults: none.


Select GT_MAC CUs to be included specifying list of GT indexes.

Possible values: <gt_idx> in cu_configuration.gt_mac.

Defaults: none.


Select GT_PRBS CUs to be included specifying list of GT indexes.

Possible values: <gt_idx> in

Defaults: none.


Select GT_LPBK CUs to be included specifying list of GT indexes.

Possible values:

Defaults: none.


Select memory CUs to be included specifying list of memory types.

Possible values: <memory_type> in cu_configuration.memory.

Defaults: none.

Auto-configuration examples

The following table describes some examples of how to override the auto-configuration. The exact content of the file is described further, but these examples shows how everything is merged.

Override GT definition

For older platform like xilinx_u50lv_gen3x4_xdma_2_202010_1, the GT definition in platform metadata is not as expected by xbtest. The auto-configured GT parameters at dictionary key io_gt_qsfp_00 are unset and you need to define the GT entirely.

Override GT Definition

Auto wizard configuration (platform metadata)

Wizard configuration JSON (provided by user)

Actual wizard configuration (merged)

  "default" : {
    "platform" : {
      "gt" : {
         "io_gt_qsfp_00" : {
           "slr" : "SLR1",
           "type" : "GTY",
           "group_select" : []
    "cu_configuration" : {
      "gt" : {
        "io_gt_qsfp_00" : {
          "diff_clocks" : ["io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"],
          "serial_port" : []
      "gt_mac" : {
        "io_gt_qsfp_00" : {
          "ip_sel" : "xxv",
          "enable_rsfec" : false
  "default": {
    "platform": {
      "gt": {
        "0": {
          "group_select" : [
          "type" : "GTY",
          "slr" : "SLR1"
    "cu_configuration": {
      "gt": {
        "0": {
          "serial_port" : ["io_gt_qsfp_00"],
          "diff_clocks" : ["io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"]
      "gt_mac": {
        "0": {
          "ip_sel" : "xxv",
          "enable_rsfec" : false
  "xbtest_stress" : {
    "platform" : {
      "gt" : {
         "0" : {
           "slr" : "SLR1",
           "type" : "GTY",
           "group_select" : ["Quad_X0Y7"]
    "cu_configuration" : {
      "gt" : {
        "0" : {
          "diff_clocks" : ["io_clk_qsfp_refclka_00"],
          "serial_port" : ["io_gt_qsfp_00"]
      "gt_mac" : {
        "0" : {
          "ip_sel" : "xxv",
          "enable_rsfec" : false

Define new memory type

Some platforms require definition of new memory types (e.g. u25 PS_DDR, PL_DDR). In this case, you need to specify all parameters of these new memory types. Auto-configured and new user-defined memory types are present in the actual wizard configuration.

Define new memory type

Auto wizard configuration (platform metadata)

Wizard configuration JSON (provided by user)

Actual wizard configuration (merged)

"memory" : {
  "DDR" : {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 512,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific" : {
      "0" : {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : ["DDR[0]"]
      "1" : {
        "slr" : "SLR1",
        "sptag" : ["DDR[1]"]
"memory": {
  "PL_DDR": {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 256,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific": {
      "0": {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : ["DDR[0]"]
  "PS_DDR": {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 128,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific": {
      "0": {
        "slr"   : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : [
          "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]"
"memory": {
  "DDR" : {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 512,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific" : {
      "0" : {
         "slr" : "SLR0",
         "sptag" : ["DDR[0]"]
      "1" : {
        "slr" : "SLR1",
        "sptag" : ["DDR[1]"]
  "PL_DDR": {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 256,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific": {
      "0": {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : ["DDR[0]"]
  "PS_DDR": {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 128,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific": {
      "0": {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : [
          "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]", "DDR[1]"

Override existing memory type

xbtest can auto configure 3 memory types: DDR, HBM, HOST. You can override memory global configuration of any auto-configured memory type.

Override existing memory type

Auto wizard configuration (platform metadata)

Wizard configuration JSON (provided by user)

Actual wizard configuration (merged)

"memory" : {
  "HBM" : {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 512,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific" : {
      "0" : {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : [
          "HBM[0]",  "HBM[1]",  "HBM[2]",  "HBM[3]",
          "HBM[4]",  "HBM[5]",  "HBM[6]",  "HBM[7]",
          "HBM[8]",  "HBM[9]",  "HBM[10]", "HBM[11]",
          "HBM[12]", "HBM[13]", "HBM[14]", "HBM[15]",
          "HBM[16]", "HBM[17]", "HBM[18]", "HBM[19]",
          "HBM[20]", "HBM[21]", "HBM[22]", "HBM[23]",
          "HBM[24]", "HBM[25]", "HBM[26]", "HBM[27]",
          "HBM[28]", "HBM[29]", "HBM[30]", "HBM[31]"
"memory" : {
  "HBM" : {
    "global" : {
      "axi_data_size" : 256
"memory" : {
  "HBM" : {
    "global" : {
      "target" : "board",
      "axi_data_size" : 256,
      "axi_id_threads" : 1,
      "axi_outstanding" : 32
    "specific" : {
      "0" : {
        "slr" : "SLR0",
        "sptag" : [
          "HBM[0]",  "HBM[1]",  "HBM[2]",  "HBM[3]",
          "HBM[4]",  "HBM[5]",  "HBM[6]",  "HBM[7]",
          "HBM[8]",  "HBM[9]",  "HBM[10]", "HBM[11]",
          "HBM[12]", "HBM[13]", "HBM[14]", "HBM[15]",
          "HBM[16]", "HBM[17]", "HBM[18]", "HBM[19]",
          "HBM[20]", "HBM[21]", "HBM[22]", "HBM[23]",
          "HBM[24]", "HBM[25]", "HBM[26]", "HBM[27]",
          "HBM[28]", "HBM[29]", "HBM[30]", "HBM[31]"

Wizard configuration examples

The following table provides example of Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json for some platforms:

Wizard configuration examples





U55c example:

  • Power CU in 2 SLRs.

  • Two GT_MAC CUs.

  • One 32-channel HBM memory CU.

  • One single-channel HOST memory CU.



U250 example:

  • Power CUs in 4 SLRs.

  • One GT_MAC CU.

  • One GT_PRBS CU.

  • Four single-channel DDR memory CUs.

  • One single-channel HOST memory CU.



U50lv example:

  • Power CUs in 2 SLRs.

  • One GT_MAC CU.

  • One 32-channel HBM memory CU.


Wizard configuration JSON file template

Here is a template/view of wizard configuration JSON file containing all the parameters listed above:

  "default": {
    "platform": {
      "fpga_part": "<fpga_part>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "interface_uuid": "<interface_uuid>",
      "is_nodma": true/false,
      "p2p_support": true/false,
      "mac_addresses_available": <mac_addresses_available>,
      "gt": {
        "<gt_idx>": {
          "slr": "<slr>",
          "type": "<type>",
          "group_select": ["<group_select>"]
    "build": {
      "pwr_floorplan_dir": "../pwr_cfg",
      "vpp_options_dir": "../vpp_cfg",
      "display_pwr_floorplan": true/false
    "cu_configuration": {
      "clock": {
        "<clk_idx>": {
          "freq": <freq>
      "plram_selection": {
        "<slr>": "<plram_sptag>"
      "verify": {
        "slr": "<slr>",
        "dna_read": true/false
      "gt": {
        "<gt_idx>": {
          "serial_port": ["<serial_port>"],
          "diff_clocks": ["<diff_clocks>"]
      "gt_mac": {
        "<gt_idx>": {
          "ip_sel": "<ip_sel>",
          "enable_rsfec": true/false
      "power": {
        "<slr_idx>": {
          "throttle_mode": "<throttle_mode>"
      "memory": {
        "<mem_type>": {
          "global": {
            "target": "<target>",
            "axi_data_size": <axi_data_size>,
            "axi_id_threads": <axi_id_threads>,
            "axi_outstanding": <axi_outstanding>
          "specific": {
            "<cu_idx>": {
              "sptag": [
                "ch0_sptag",  "ch1_sptag", "..."
              "slr": "<slr>"
  "xbtest_stress": {
    "cu_selection": {
      "power": [<slr_idx>],
      "gt_mac": [<gt_idx>],
      "gt_prbs": [<gt_idx>],
      "memory": ["<mem_type>"]