Developer guide


The developer guide describes the steps to generate xbtest HW package for a targeted platform.

Start by getting acquainted with expected tasks described in Expected tasks and make sure you have all Prerequisites.

The Quick guide lists the commands to run to generate xbtest from scratch from your development platform.

Templates and examples are provided in this guide.


OEM, EMC, Power & Thermal Qualifications are the main users of xbtest.


xbtest requires:

xbtest prerequisites



Development platform (XPFM or HW XSA)

  • Platform supports PLRAMs.

  • GT defined in platform metadata.

Vitis/Vivado versions

Deployment server (for testing)

  • Install your Alveo™ card(s), Xilinx Runtime (XRT) (required >= 2.13.307) as per their respective UG.

  • Validate your card(s):

    $ xbutil validate

Xilinx AI Engine license

A license for the AIE compiler is required to successfully build the power CU with AIE.

  • If you have an AIE compiler license, set the environment variable XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE to include that license before building xbtest xclbin.

  • If you do not have an AIE compiler license, do not use AIE in the power CU by setting AIE_UTILIZATION to 0 in your utilization.json configuration.

What’s new in xbtestv6?

xbtestv6 new main features w.r.t xbtestv5 are:

xbtestv6 new main features


New features

Memory testcase

  • Multiple AXI thread IDs.

  • Maximum number of outstanding transactions.

Power testcase

  • AIE support.

  • Throttle source: external/internal clock/macro.

  • Floorplan format.

GT testcase

  • GT_MAC to GT_MAC loopback.



Ease of use

  • Result visualization with Vitis Analyzer.

  • HW/SW configuration.


  • XRT API support.

Build flow