Build xclbin


After following the steps specified in previous chapters, you can generate the xclbin using the xclbin_generate workflow.

xclbin_generate workflow runs:

  • xbtest_wizard IP with the xclbin configuration.

  • Vitis™ tools (aiecompiler, v++ linker and packager, xclbinutil) which generates the xclbin.

xbtest_wizard will set the output xclbin name to: <wizard_config_name>.xclbin.

According to your Vitis tools version, a different minor version of xbtest sources might be required.

Most of Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json parameters can be auto-configured based on the platform metadata. In this case these parameters should not be specified in Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json.

xclbin_generate input and output products

The required structure and file naming of the xclbin_generate workflow input products and location of output products is detailed in following table where:

  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

  • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.

xclbin_generate workflow input and output products

File/Directory name



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Input products





Power CU floorplan definition: available, invalid sites and utilization.








Vitis configuration: INI option file and TCL hooks . (post system linker, optional others e.g. place_design_pre.tcl, route_design_pre.tcl)







Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json: xclbin configuration, CU type and quantities depending on the platform architecture. (e.g. Clock frequency, CU SLR assignment, CU PLRAM connectivity, Memory CU connectivity, etc.)

Output products









xclbin_generate Workflow Command Line Options

The xclbin_generate workflow supports the following command line options described in next sections. You can always refer to the help of the workflow for a quick summary of the various options. Each option can be specified fully or in short manner.

-h, –help: Display help

-h, --help

Display xclbin_generate workflow help message.

-c, –ip_catalog: Provide IP catalog

-c <xbtest_catalog>, --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog>

Mandatory. Path to xbtest IP catalog.

-x, –xpfm: Select Platform XPFM

-x path/to/platform.xpfm, --xpfm path/to/platform.xpfm

Mandatory. Path to platform XPFM. This can be a path to either a:

  • .xpfm file.

  • .xsa file.

  • .rpm package (only if running on CentOS, Red Hat or SUSE) containing .xfpm file.

  • .deb package (only if running on Ubuntu) containing .xfpm file.

  • Directory containing a .xpfm file.

-I, –init: Enable initialization

-I, --init

Initialization of some workflow input products.

When enabled:

See Workflows initialization.

-d, –config_dir: Provide configuration directory

-d path/to/your/config_dir, --config_dir path/to/your/config_dir

Path to the configuration directory containing the following folders:

-p, –project_name: Set project name

-p <name>, --project_name <name>

Set the name of the project. This value should only contain alphanumeric characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _.

-l, –use_lsf: Enable LSF

-l, --use_lsf

Run Vitis on LSF using default LSF command.

According to your LSF infrastructure, you may have to update the bsub command using --lsf_cmd option.

Use option –help to get the default LSF command.

-L, –lsf_cmd: Provide LSF command

-L <cmd>, --lsf_cmd <cmd>

Run Vitis on LSF using provided LSF command. This overrides default LSF command and you must provide the entire bsub command and options.

-n, –wizard_config_name: Set wizard configuration name

-n <name>, --wizard_config_name <name>

Set wizard configuration name. Must be defined in wizard configuration JSON file. Default: xbtest_stress.

-o, –output_dir: Provide output directory

-o path/to/your/output_dir, --output_dir path/to/your/output_dir

Path to the output directory.

Default: ./output/<dev_platform>/<project_name> where:

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

-V, –verbose: Enable verbosity

-V, --verbose

Turn on verbosity. When enabled, Wizard and Vitis messages will also be reported in the console.

-f, –force: Force an operation

-f, --force

Override output directory if already existing.

-q, –skip_xclbin_gen: Skip xclbin generation

-q, --skip_xclbin_gen

Skip xclbin generation. Cannot be used with option --init.

Use this option when creating the power CU floorplan (in tandem with display_pwr_flooplan).

See Define power CU floorplan.

-Q, –skip_xo_gen: Skip XO generation

-Q, --skip_xo_gen

Skip XO and xclbin generation.

This is more a debug option as the workflow generates all Vivado inputs necessary to run the wizard example design but will stop before running Vitis.

-r, –skip_dcp_gen: Skip DCP generation

-r, --skip_dcp_gen

Skip DCP generation. Must be used with option --init.

Use this option when initialization mode is enabled.

See Workflows initialization.

-v, –version: Display version

-v, --version

Display xclbin_generate workflow version.

Run xclbin_generate workflow

xclbin_generate is a python workflow to run with python3.

This workflow will create a run directory per xclbin build <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/

  • <xbtest_build> represents the xbtest build source directory (e.g. path/to/your/xbtest/src/hw/build_source/xbtest_wizard_v6_0/).

  • <dev_platform> is provided with command line option --xpfm. For example: If path/to/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1. If path/to/hw.xsa is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with hw. If path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm is provided, then <dev_platform> is set with xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.

  • <project_name> is provided with command line option --project_name.


The jobs can be run on LSF using command line option --use_lsf. By default, they are run locally.

The output xclbin is <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/<project_name>.xclbin

  • E.g. <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/xilinx_u50lv_gen3x4_xdma_2_202010_1/xbtest_stress/xbtest_stress.xclbin

The xclbin_generate workflow is run using the following commands:

  1. Move to xclbin_generate directory

$ cd <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate
  1. Run the workflow:

$ python3 --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog> \
                        --xpfm path/to/platform.xpfm \
                        --config_dir ./cfg/<dev_platform> \
                        --project_name <project_name>

For example:

  • Example command for u55c:

    $ python3 --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog> \
                            --xpfm path/to/your/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm \
                            --config_dir ./cfg/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1 \
                            --project_name xbtest_stress
  • Example command for u55c selecting another configuration present in Wizard configuration JSON file: wizard_cfg.json:

    $ python3 --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog> \
                            --xpfm path/to/your/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm \
                            --config_dir ./cfg/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1 \
                            --project_name memory_only \
                            --wizard_config_name xbtest_memory
  • Example command for u250 providing development RPM as input XPFM on CentOS/Red Hat/SUSE:

    $ python3 --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog> \
                            --xpfm path/to/your/xilinx-u250-gen3x16-xdma-4.1-202210-1-dev-1-3512975.noarch.rpm \
                            --config_dir ./cfg/xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1 \
                            --project_name xbtest_stress
  • Example command for u55c specifying Vitis run on LSF with default LSF command:

    $ python3 --ip_catalog <xbtest_catalog> \
                            --xpfm path/to/your/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1.xpfm \
                            --config_dir ./cfg/xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1 \
                            --project_name xbtest_stress \

At the end of the xclbin generation, xclbin_generate workflow output contains [GEN_XCLBIN-45] message, like the following:

INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-41] Executing: $ bash ./
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-41] Log file: <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/vitis.log
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-42] ************************** End of step. Elapsed time: 4:40:23

INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-43] *** [2021-09-24, 20:26:15] Starting step: rename and move generated xclbin
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-44] xclbin found: <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/u_ex/run/output/xbtest_stress.xclbin
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-45] xclbin renamed and moved to: <xbtest_build>/xclbin_generate/output/<dev_platform>/<project_name>/<project_name>.xclbin
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-47] ************************** End of step. Elapsed time: 0:00:1

INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-8] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-8] [2021-09-24, 20:26:16] END. Total Elapsed Time: 4:45:27
INFO: [GEN_XCLBIN-8] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------