Complete checklist



The steps Fill platform definition JSON, Build RPM and DEB packages and Complete checklist are part of an iterative process and are inter-linked.

  1. You need first to create an initial valid package by using the default pre-canned tests templates and Platform definition JSON file template: xbtest_pfm_def_template.json (along with the xclbin).

  2. You’ll use this initial package to fill the checklist. The checklist will guide you:

  3. Re-package your xclbin, Platform definition JSON file: xbtest_pfm_def.json (and potentially pre-canned test JSON files).

    • Finalize the last step of the checklist (actual results of the pre-canned tests).

Get the host application (pre-compiled xbtest-sw-6 and xbtest-common RPM/DEB packages) from xbtest repository.

The host application packages will be located in <xbtest_local_repo>/pkg/sw (see xbtest sources).

Follow xbtest user guide instructions for how to install xbtest SW, and HW library packages.

Complete your checklist following instructions provided in xbtest checklist.