Architecture overview¶
The solution comprises:
xbtest application software (xbtSW): Runs on the host.
xbtest hardware IP (xbtIP): Loaded to the card as part of Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) or as of a Vitis™ Platform .
Different xbtIP types: verify, power, memory, and/or GT (GT MAC, GTF PRBS, GTYP PRBS, GTM PRBS).
The following block diagrams show how xbtIP could be integrated to a Versal or a VUP device. The presence and the quantity of xbtIP (power, memory and GT) depends on card and Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) / Vitis™ Platform capabilities (refer to the respective documentation).
Versal |
Virtex Ultrascale Plus (VUP) |
xbtSW and xbtIP are used in conjunction to test on-board memories (for example DDR, HBM) and GTs while the card is consuming a programmable amount of power.
Multiple Alveo cards can be tested simultaneously and independently.
Hardware IP overview¶
xbtest hardware IP (xbtIP) includes the following types which test different areas of the card hardware:
Power: Throttles the clock of flip-flops, DSPs, block RAMs, UltraRAMs and AIEs present in the logic of the Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED), to control their power consumption.
Memory: Measures the read and write bandwidths & latencies while performing a data integrity check on the data transmitted and received.
GTF PRBS, GTYp PRBS, GTM PRBS, GT MAC: Checks GT transceivers of the Alveo™ card at 10, 25, 56 Gigabit Ethernet and 32Gb/s lane rates.
Any Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) also contains the Verify xbtIP which includes the following hardware safety mechanisms:
Watchdog: Stops xbtIP IPs after a programmable delay (default 15 seconds) in the case of the xbtest application software (xbtSW) failing to perform the watchdog reset.
Status register:
Detects and prevents multiple instances of xbtSW trying to control/access the same Alveo card.
Detects if xbtIP clocks have been throttled down (if the card supports this safety feature). xbtIP clocks could have been slowed down automatically to prevent over-powering the card. Slower clock will affect test results.
DNA : Reports the FPGA DNA value (when accessible).
Watchdog status and clock throttling detection are monitored on a regular basis during test execution.
Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) is packaged in AVED deployment archive.
AVED deployment archives overview¶
xbtest application software (xbtSW) supports heterogeneous Alveo™ card installation by the addition of AVED deployment archives.
The AVED deployment archive files should not be edited or modified. See Install xbtest section.
The AVED deployment archives includes xbtest specific files:
Card definition JSON file: Specifies the cards specific characteristics and limits of xbtest. See Card definition.
xbtest metadata JSON files: Describes xbtest hardware IP (xbtIP) included in design. See Card definition.
Pre-canned test JSON files: Set of pre-canned tests which use one or more of the available test cases according to Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) capabilities. See Pre-canned tests description.
These files are automatically selected by xbtSW.
Application software overview¶
xbtest application software (xbtSW) automatically detects the number and type of xbtest hardware IP (xbtIP) present in Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED) (power, memory, or GT MAC).
xbtSW is composed of two different layers:
Multi-card / multi-test dispatch: In charge of dispatching specified tests:
It selects, configures, and launches the test based on selected Alveo Versal Example Design (AVED).
Test run: In charge of performing the tests:
Each of the test cases (power, memory and GT) run independently.
It uses two JSON configuration files:
Test JSON file: User can provide his own test JSON file or use one of the Pre-canned test JSON files.
Card definition JSON file and xbtest metadata: Selected automatically.
The following steps are performed to launch a test:
Checks the provided Command line options for validity and unsupported combinations.
Checks integrity of all AVED deployment archives currently installed.
Selects from the targeted card provided with command line option
Compatible AVED deployment archive (based on UUID).
Runs test on the targeted card with:
Card definition JSON file and xbtest metadata selected in previous step.
While running the test, xbtSW also manages the watchdog present in the different xbtest hardware IP (xbtIP) and checks that the Alveo card is not in use by another instance of the application.
Various sensors are monitored by default but others can be easily added (see Device management task description).