UL3524 Ultra Low Latency Trading

PCIe DDR Reference Design


This reference design demonstrates how to enable the DDR power plane through I2C commands. In addition, a provided memory test is detailed, and can be used bring up the DDR and perform memory read/write functions. Finally, recommended DDR4 memory controller IP settings are provided.

Additional Documentation

The following links provide additional documentation, including simulation and HW Manager support.

  • Simulation

    • Describes the available simulation and description of waveforms

  • HW Manager Support

    • Provides instructions to run the design in hardware and interact with the design through the HW Manager.

Reference Design Hierarchy

The design hierarchy block diagram is given below. The subsequent table provides descriptions of the key modules within the design.

Block Diagram

Block diagram of the PCIe DDR reference design

Figure: Block diagram of the PCIe DDR reference design

Module Description

Table: Description of design modules

File Name Description
system_reset.v Asserts system reset (m_axi_arestn) to 0 after FPGA startup.
reg_axi_slave.v Translates AXI-Lite transactions for register bank access.
reg_reference_logic.v A register bank with four 32b registers.
axi_slave This module translates an AXI-Lite interface to a simple register access interface. If desired, this allows the reference design to connect to a larger design using an AXI interface. The i2c_sequencer automatically runs its state machine, so the user interface is optional. However, this interface can be included to allow the user to monitor the design, perform a manual reset, or add user functions.
i2c_sequencer This module is the high level register sequencer that drives the overall process. It’s a simple state machine that sequences through the three register access described above. The logic sets up the req/ack interface to the i2c_axi_sequencer.
i2c_axi_sequencer This module is a simple state machine that performs the required AXI commands for the I2C controller. A simple req/ack interface provides the device ID, command/address bytes, and optional write data. When the req is asserted, the state machine initializes the I2C controller, programs the output FIFO, starts the transfer and monitors the status. Read requests will return data when the transfer completes.
axi_master This module translates a simple register access interface to the AXI-Lite interfaces required by the I2C controller IP.
axi_iic_0 This I2C controller module is generated from the Vivado IP Catalog. The user interface is an AXI-Lite interface.
TCA6408A TI I/O expander with I2C interface. Allows us to enable the DDR power plane.
ddr4_0 This DDR memory controller is generated with the Memory Interface Generator from the Vivado IP Catalog. The user interface is an AXI interface.
XDMA This PCIe DMA module is generated from the Vivado IP Catalog. The user interface is an AXI interface.
AXI X-bar This AXI interconnect is generated from the Vivado IP Catalog. It connects XDMA (Master) to reg_reference_top (Slave 0) and ddr4_0 (Slave 1)

Table: Descriptions of key modules.

Enabling the DDR Power Plane

The DDR4 memory subsystem power (2V5_Vpp) is disabled upon power up and requires the following two steps to enable:

  1. DDR4 I/O expander must be taken out of reset.

  2. Enable DDR4 power via the CLKGEN I2C bus.

The following figure shows the I2C bus connected to various devices on the card. The DDR4 I/O expander and subsequent DDR4 enable signal (EN_2V5_vpp) are shown at the top of the figure.

Example DDR4 power control design

Figure: DDR4 Power Enable Communication Routing

DDR4 I/O expander must be taken out of reset

Since the I/O expander device has an active-low reset pin connected to an external pull-down resister, it is necessary to take the expander device out of reset. This is done by asserting reset pin, DDR_PSUIO_RESET (pin AU19).

Enable DDR4 power via the CLKGEN I2C bus

With the I/O expander out of reset, the DDR4 memory subsystem power can be controlled via the I2C I/O expander, address 0x42 (8-bit), via the FPGA CLKGEN I2C bus highlighted in the above figure. This is done by configuring both the output value and output enable registers of I/O expander port 0 pin (the remaining seven ports of the expander are not connected). This is accomplished by writing the following two registers:

  • Register 0x1 to set the output value.

  • Register 0x3 to configure the output enable.

The steps to perform this operation are shown in the following table.

Configuration Step I2C Sequence Description
Set DDR (EN2V5_vpp) power enable pin on port 0 0x42, 0x01, 0x01 Programs output value register bit
0 = DDR4 power enable
Enable output mode for port 0 0x42, 0x03, 0xFE Programs output config register
(0=output, 1 = input)
Optional step 0x42, 0x00, restart, 0x43 Read the P0 value to verify the programming by reading register 0x0 of the I/O expander

Table: DDR4 I2C power enable steps

Memtest Function Descriptions

memtest.c is a simple C program that brings up the DDR I2C and the DDR IP and performs a memory test.

Descriptions of the functions within memetest.c is given below.

Function Name Arguments Description
main -c cycle: specify a number of cycles for memtest Brings up the DDR power plane and DDR memory.

Performs data integrity test on the DDR memory using memtest
memtest cycles: number of words to write and read from the memory Sequentially load a block of DDR addresses with 32-bit PRBS.

Sequentially read back the same block and compare with expected values.
gen_prbs32 value: non-zero value initializes the PRBS seed with the value provided and returns the value provided

If zero, it returns the computed PRBS value
Generates a pseudorandom binary sequence.
initialize_memory device0: device BDF value Configures memory mapping of the UL3524 DDR memory regions.
init_ddr Pulls ddr_i2c (active high) out of reset first then the DDR memory controller (active low). The first bit controls the ddr_i2c reset and second bit contorls the DDR memory controller reset.
write_reg region: device memory region
addr: write address
wdata: write data
Writes wdata to addr of region. Returns 0.
read_reg region: device memory region
addr: read address
Read from addr of region. Returns read data.
process_cmdline argc: argument count
argv: argument vector
Processes the command line arguments for memtest.

Table 2. Descriptions of memtest.c functions and their arguments

DDR4 Memory Controller

When instantiating a DDR4 memory controller using the Vivado tools, it is recommended to use the parameters outlined in the following table.

Parameter Value
Controller/PHY Mode [1] Ctrl and PHY layer
Memory Dev. Interface Speed 833 ps [2]
Reference Input Clock 300 MHz
Memory Type/Config Components
Memory Part MT40A2G8VA-062E
Slot Single
IO Voltage 1.2V
Burst Length 8
CAS Latency 17
CAS Wr Latency 12
Data Width 72

[1] AXI4 interface will be enabled automatically. It can be disabled.

[2] 833 ps = 1200 MHz, PHY to Ctrl Freq Ratio= 4:1

Table 2. DDR4 Memory Controller IP Parameter Settings

When implementing the controller in your design, reference FPGA Bank I/O Mapping section in UG1585 for the allocated FPGA banks.

Use the external 300 MHz reference clock supplied to HPIO 66. For additional details, see Clocking section in UG1585.


TCA6408APWR Register Map

Command Byte Register Power Up Default
0x00 Input Port xxxx xxxx
0x01 Output Port 1111 1111
0x02 Polarity Inversion 0000 0000
0x03 Configuration (1=input, 0=output) 1111 1111 (dflt = input)

Table 3. Descriptions of the TCA6408APWR register map.

UL3524 Pinout

Package Pin Name Description
AU19 DDR_PSUIO_RESET I/O Expander Resetb

Table 4. Descriptions of the UL3524 pinout.


For additional documentation, please refer to the UL3524 product page and the UL3524 Lounge.

For support, contact your FAE or refer to support resources at: https://support.xilinx.com

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