
The vvas_xmetaconvert plug-in is used to convert VVAS ML inference metadata, which is attached to an input buffer, into overlay metadata, GstVvasOverlayMeta that is needed by the vvas_xoverlay plug-in.

The vvas_xmetaconvert plug-in requires some static configuration parameters, such as font type and size, which are provided in the configuration file in JSON format. config-location property allows you to specify the location of the configuration file that contains the necessary parameters.

By using these two plug-ins together, you can create an overlay, like bounding box, text etc., on a video frame/image that displays ML inference results in real-time. For implementation details, refer to vvas_xmetaconvert source code

Input and Output

This plug-in is format agnostic and can accept any input format as it operates only on metadata attached to input buffer and same will be pushed out of source pad after attaching overlay metadata.

Control Parameters and Plug-in Properties

The following table lists the GStreamer plug-in properties supported by the vvas_xmetaconvert plug-in.

Table 1: vvas_xmetaconvert Plug-in Properties

Property Name









Location of the metaconvert configuration in JSON format which will be used to convert inference metadata to overlay metadata

JSON File format to be provided as input to config-location property

This section describes the JSON file format and configuration parameters for the vvas_xmetaconvert plug-in.

The following example is of a JSON file to pass to the vvas_xmetaconvert using config-location property.

  "config": {
    "display-level": 0,
    "font-size" : 0.5,
    "font" : 3,
    "thickness" : 2,
    "radius": 5,
    "mask-level" : 0,
    "y-offset" : 0,
    "label-filter" : [ "class", "probability" ],
    "classes" : [
        "name" : "car",
        "blue" : 255,
        "green" : 0,
        "red"  : 0,
        "masking"  : 0
        "name" : "person",
        "blue" : 0,
        "green" : 255,
        "red"  : 0,
        "masking"  : 0
        "name" : "bus",
        "blue" : 0,
        "green" : 0,
        "red"  : 255,
        "masking"  : 0
        "name" : "bicycle",
        "blue" : 0,
        "green" : 0,
        "red"  : 255,
        "masking"  : 0

Various configuration parameters passed to vvas_xmetaconvert via json file are described in the following table.

Table 2: vvas_xmetaconvert Parameters


Expected Values



0 to 7

Below is the list of text font values and its description.
  • 0: Hershey Simplex (default)

  • 1: Hershey Plain

  • 2: Hershey Duplex

  • 3: Hershey Complex

  • 4: Hershey Triplex

  • 5: Hershey Complex Small

  • 6: Hershey Script Simplex

  • 7: Hershey Script Complex


0.5 to 1

Font fraction scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size. Default value is 0.5


Integer 1 to 3

The thickness of the line that makes up the rectangle. Negative values like -1, signify that the function draws a filled rectangle. The recommended value is between 1 and 3. Default line thickness value is 1.



In case of cascaded ML pipeline, user can use this field to mask out the results of a particular level in inference results tree. All bounding boxes in that level will be masked with black color.

When set to 0(default), none of the levels are masked.


[“class”, “probability”, “tracker-id”]

This field controls what should be displayed in label string. The addition of “class” in the array adds the ML classification name. For example, car, person, etc.

The addition of “probability” in the array adds the probability of a positive object identification.

The addition of “tracker-id” in the array adds unique id for for each object generated by vvas_xtracker plugin


Integer 0 to height

‘y’ offset to be added along height for label in case of classification model


{“name”:”car”, “blue”:255, “green”:0, “red” : 0, “masking” : 0}

This is a filtering option when using the vvas_xoverlay. The bounding box is only drawn for the classes that are listed in this configuration and other classes are ignored. For instance, if “car”, “person”, “bicycle” is entered under “classes”, then the bounding box is only drawn for these three classes, and other classes like horse, motorbike, etc. are ignored.

The expected value columns show an example of how each class should be described. All objects in this example, by class, are using the color combination listed.

The class names in this list matches the class names assigned by the vvas_xdpuinfer. Otherwise, the bounding box is not drawn.

“masking” flag can be used to mask all objects of a class Set it to 1 for enabling masking. This flag will override “mask_level” field.

For instance, if “mask_level” is set 1 and “masking” for “car” is set 1 and if level 1 has cars and busses, then only cars are masked not the entire level. For face detect, keep the “classes” array empty.


Integer 0 to N
0 => all levels
N => specific level

Display bounding box of one particular level or all levels



Label will be displayed on top of the bounding box if set to True. Default value is True



Represents Radius of circle, also used for point. Default value is 3

Example Pipelines

The following example demonstrates use of vvas_xmetaconvert with vvas_xoverlay plug-in for drawing bounding boxes.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location="<PATH>/001.bgr" blocksize=150528 numbuffers=1
! videoparse width=224 height=224 framerate=30/1 format=16
! vvas_xinfer infer-config="<PATH>/kernel_resnet50.json"
! vvas_xmetaconvert config-location="<PATH>/metaconvert.json"
! vvas_xoverlay ! filesink location=output.bgr